In case you missed it, a Florida State House candidate running as a Democrat was caught lying. Politician and lying may be synonymous, but this one emphasizes the extent the left will go to sensationalize and politically capitalize on this issue – guns.
The Cliff Notes of this tale involve a woman in Florida who claims to be a doctor and claims she removed 77 bullets from victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando. She made this claim at a town hall of the local congressman. Everyone in the audience buys the story, and she gets some press.
A few days later, she tries to capitalize on this newfound fame by running for the Florida State House. Unfortunately, an online news site (much like us!) does a quick internet search and finds out she is completely full of it. She changes her story, and that too proves to be a lie. She, of course, is forced to drop out of the State House race.

So here is the “so what?!”: Democrats and the press generally have no qualms making things up when it comes to 2nd Amendment related issues. As we wrote yesterday about the lack of coverage of the arson in Kyoto, everything needs to fit the scenario that guns are bad. Even better for the narrative if they can make the people who own guns out to be bad guys as well. Unfortunately for the anti-gun crowd, this was SO BAD they HAD to report on it.
In similar news, we also reported on the US Department of Education being caught red-handed by NPR for crying out loud, because the department misreported statistics on school shootings. This was arguably the #1 cited statistic by every anti-gun group and press entity out there.
We need to call out the gun control stooges on their nonsense and remember “gun control” is really only about “control.” We’re thinking about doing a recurring piece on “Good Men and Women With Guns,” we would love your feedback on this idea!
Please share!
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Re: “gun control”: I have the same number of guns as I did during the Obama administration….and I have no fear of passing a mental health or background check should such laws be enforced. I will have the same number of guns.
What are you afraid of?