Yesterday, we released information gathered on the alleged vandal who damaged an unreported amount of art and furniture at the state Capitol.
While looking into Elias Anthony Dominguez, 26, we found a number of radical socialist ideas he appears to support, including heroin injection centers that could lead to recalls.

Conservative radio host Peter Boyles of 710 KNUS, an outspoken opponent of heroin injection centers in Colorado picked up the story on his show this morning.
Progressive groups and talking heads are pushing hard for these deadly injection centers, so it’s no surprise mainstream media sources refuse to dig into this further.
In another post ‘liked’ by Dominguez, a 2024 campaign poster is seen for radical “Democratic” Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

Cortez is facing major backlash for the “Green New Deal” plan aiming to shut down air travel and the oil and gas
On November 10, 2016, Dominguez participated in the “Not My President” rally in Denver, Colorado where he captured himself shouting aggressively towards what appears to be a damaged truck trapped by the mob.
If this guy was wearing a MAGA hat, you can be sure the press would still be crying foul. But instead, they appear to be protecting a suspect who shares videos of burning American flags.