Denver, CO – The city of Denver recently released an interactive tool that allows residents to balance Denver’s $1.488 billion budget.
The tool does a decent job of breaking down the budget. It also seems like a publicity stunt for Denver Mayor Michael Hancock.
Hancock won a runoff election in June after running a negative (and false) campaign ad. The ad focussed on a misrepresented and cherrypicked statement from Hancock’s opponent, Jamie Giellis.
Exact quote in ad: “Jamie Giellis for mayor? Like Trump, she called undocumented immigrants criminals. ‘Yes, we won’t tolerate crime or criminal activity. We will comply with the authorities. We will comply with ICE.”
Fox News: Truth Check: Hancock goes negative with ad in controversial Denver mayoral race, by Joe St. George, May 20, 2019
We all know Hancock wants open borders and special privileges for illegal aliens. So, after falsifying campaign ads on the subject, it is no surprise Denver’s budget looks like a publicity stunt for Hancock. Though, calling it “Mayor Hancock’s $1.49B General Fund” on the website still sounds terrible to us.
Just take a look at some of the boondoggles Denverites’ tax dollars are funding.
The budget includes $11.4 million to construct bikeways in the city. The plan includes replacing car lanes with bike lanes, which will only serve to create more gridlock in Denver.
It also includes nearly $100 million for “affordable” housing, despite Government meddling in the housing market failing to improve costs.
On top of that, $40 million is pledged to combat climate change. We highly doubt the city will make good use of this money other than to pander to the green religion.
Most of our readers can probably find places to cut Denver’s budget. Instead, the Denver City Council is proposing carbon taxes (and likely other tax hikes), so they can waste more money next year.
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Dude, that was actually a lot of fun. I slashed everything except parks and rec, and also gave the poison control and fire fighters some additional cash. Everyone else was on the chopping block and the size of government is too dang large already. Why should we give money to the police department when they won’t deport dangerous illegal migrants and such? However, as I took away from some leo, I gave more to new recruits and did not touch patrol. But prison, yeah, we decreased that to the max.
I saved like 80 million dollars in a day. What will I accomplish tomorrow?