Denver, CO – California is now guiding the Colorado COVID-19 response after Governor Jared Polis joined the Western States Pact.
Polis announced Monday, April 27, 2020, that Colorado is joining California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada in the pact.
The pact claims it will follow “science”, not politics, in responding to COVID-19.
Here is the problem with that absurd statement. The COVID-19 response is absolutely about politics.
Politicians and many unelected bureaucrats are dictating policies that profoundly impact people’s lives.
Colorado’s crumbling economy and rapidly rising unemployment numbers also need to be considered for the COVID-19 response. We would argue those considerations are as much about science as often inaccurate COVID-19 models.
Despite that, the first principle of this pact is that residents’ health comes before all else. This concept is what drove Polis to issue Colorado’s “Stay at Home” order with little regard for the economic impact.
Yes, the health of residents (note the intentional lack of the word citizens) is very important. However, the health of the economy is directly tied to peoples’ health.
Substance abuse and suicide hotlines are seeing massive increases in calls due to the economic crisis we are facing thanks to “Stay at Home” orders.
The economic crisis cannot simply be dismissed by saying “science,” not politics, will direct the COVID-19 response. Everything is interconnected, and everything needs to be considered.
First, it was Polis signing Colorado into the National Popular Vote Pact, taking away Coloradans’ voice and giving it to more populous California.
Now, Polis is placing major policy decisions regarding COVID-19 in the hands of California. California and Colorado are very different states, and a one-size-fits-all policy is not the solution.
This is a political PR stunt by Polis. But hey, it’s not about politics, right?
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Maybe Polis is smitten with Newsom? He has those “Highbeam” dental veneers like sleepy Joe and the politician’ s mannerism’s down pat. Could there be a “meeting” in the future? maybe brown some
“Colorado” Beef? Stay tuned!
Its time to DEMAND proclamations by these left wing nuts to PRESENT THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that supports their DICTATORIAL EDICTS. They claim they are “driven by science”, but NEVER SHOW any CREDIBLE scientific evidence. That is BLATANTLY EVIDENT by the MISERABLE results of the Washington University’s IHME models whose predictions have been WILDLY WRONG (anyone reminded of the models predicting devastating climate change?)!
What did we expect? Polis’s Commiefornian at heart. This was clear from day 1 of his campaign and gubernatorial inauguration. The whole of Denver and it’s surrounding environs are overrun with Commiefornia transplants. That’s how Polis and his boy toy were able to buy the election. Eastern, Western and Southern Colorado have no voice in the State’s politics.
People, people! We all need to get the ball rolling. Several months ago, an attempt was made to recall this governor. Now I don’t know why there was a shortage of signatures. Perhaps people were just apathetic, or perhaps their comfort level was just fine and seen no need. I wonder what the mood is now. The lust for power was evident in many democratic governors across the country. Doesn’t matter what these governors said, it is what they did that counts. I give Polis credit for one action and that is he did not go complete Hitler, like the governor of Michigan did. Americans can take care of themselves just fine. Slowly, Americans are discovering the truth behind this pandemic and they will take this country back. The abuse of power and position has to stop! God Bless America and God Bless Colorado. Whoever is in charge of recalls, lets kick this into high gear this time!
Rory, my guess is king Polis did not go full fascist because of that recall effort. While it was not successful it gave a warning shot over the bough. Polis needs to be sued like a couple other tyrannical Democrat governors have been sued.
The reason the recall failed is that it requires a certain amount of signatures from each county, including the mountain counties, where you are lucky if you can find 20 residents. It was a fools errand from the start. Yes Polis is bringing CA politics here, we should all know better, after all look how CA is doing.
Washington state’s governor just extended the lockdown to May
I totally Agree. It doesn’t matter what the Taxpayers want. Its what the Dictator Polis wants. This guy has to be stopped. We are not California, but we will be if he has his way. We will all be fighting to keep our selves from being corrupted. This man has to resign and apparently he isn’t going to do that, on his own free will. Where are our State Legislatures. Why have they not spoken up. Why are they so silent when they are in direct Contact with him. We need to do something. It doesn’t do any good to write him. Can we sue him for putting Colorado in harms way. He needs to let this State get back to work!
I 💯 percent agree! Let’s get this “you know what” out now and save the Colorado we all know and love!
They’re going to have society in utter collapse and chaos. Crime is already starting to skyrocket across the board.
If this marxism continues, we’re going to see a situation like venezuela has in the last several years. Which is really probably part of their communist endgames judging by the way they are taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis and using it to create and manufacture a breakdown of society.
Hopefully it is prevented from going full venezuela here in the USA.
legislature won’t do anything because their all liberals and on polis side. Colorado citizens should decide whether they want to join the “western states pact”. Hickenpooper did similar things with California with our emissions standards. This stuff has to stop. I signed the governor recall the last time, and will again if it is started. Lets do it!