Aurora, CO – The Aurora Police Department sent letters to businesses telling them to prepare for weekend looting along about three miles of Colfax Avenue.
The letter suggested business owners board up windows, remove merchandise, and even consider closing.
Some owners are doing just that, according to Fox 31.
Others reportedly believe “enough is enough” and are putting plans in place to protect their property.
“We are going to need to stand vigilant and stand guard to protect our properties and our livelihood,” Walker said. “I believe they’re going to come to the wrong business, and that business owner is going to say, ‘enough is enough.’”
From Fox 31
Of course, businesses should not need to take these precautions.
However, with multiple protests turning violent in Colorado and police failing to maintain the peace, business owners have no choice.
The scheduled protests are a takeover of what was supposed to be a small, peaceful remembrance of Elijah McClain. McClain died last year in police custody.
Now, everyone should agree that the death of McClain is a tragedy that never should have occurred. A peaceful ceremony to remember him is absolutely in order.
Instead, radical, anti-police groups hijacked the event from McClain’s family, and police believe there is now a threat to businesses. While McClain’s family canceled the Facebook event, new events popped up, and large crowds are expected on Sunday, August 23, 2020.
The threat of looting puts business owners, employees, and even customers at risk. It is disappointing the police do not believe they can protect these people from violence.
Hopefully, this protest remains peaceful. Unfortunately, considering the last month of anti-police protests, people and businesses must prepare for the worst.
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Shop owners should shoot to kill all looters. End of story!
That is disgusting. Police should be prepared to use whatever force is necessary to protect private business owners’ businesses. I’m so glad I moved out of the Denver area.
Plain azz disgusting. We left Aurora for the Western Slope a year ago. While we are still in the State of Polis, the community we choose pays ZERO attention to the non-sense co.i g out if the capitol…zero.
We left Colorado 2 years ago and now live in a VERY conservative state…….Arizona. If had my business on Colfax and some loony tune person told me to be prepared for looting along the three mile strip, to me that would mean LOAD UP THE AR-15’S AND GET READY TO REDUCE THE LOOTER POPULATION……….NOT BOARD UP MY WINDOWS OR CLOSE DOWN. That kind of advice is pure liberal bull S–T. Something you would hear from a queer mayor.
Yep! Another City run by Democrats is about to be terrorized. And the Democrats vow to do nothing to stop it.
Tig Teigen does. His group will be there Sunday evening. His statement is they are all for, and will support this protest as long as it stays peaceful. Just as vociferous though, he said they will NOT allow violence against businesses or or people to occur. From either side. Frankly, I’d bot be one to cross him. Thank you Tig.
If the police know they won’t be able to maintain peace, they should be calling in reinforcements; CHP or the National Guard. Polis declined, let the voters know.
If I was a business owner, I would sit inside and shoot anyone who came on my property!
This is very sad! I was born and grew up in Aurora. I went to Gateway High School and the Community College of Aurora. I served in Aurora on the Planning and Zoning Commission and Business Advisory Board. To see this letter and to read the wording should be a slap in the face to the Senior Police leadership, the Mayor and City Council. To open a door to opportunity for loss of personal property and loss of life upon the very people that work, follow the law, pay taxes and vote. All of these people to whom the letter is written are the very living essence of what democracy teaches everyone. The city leadership needs to grow up and start acting like adults and leaders. Why don’t you send a letter to the people and groups that are going to cause harm and tell them that they will be arrested and put in jail. This is not the business owners doing and protecting ones life and property is also apart of a democratic free society. To APD senior leadership, don’t arrest the people for protecting their property and lives. To the City leadership start standing up for the people that do follow the law. I guarantee you that there are more citizens that follow the law out of respect and the taking of personal responsibility than there are in the people that are willing to destroy and break the law. If you stand up for the law and the people you will find that out faster than you think and you will get more support as well.
When rioters?and looters went crazy in Chicago in 1964, Mayor Richard Daily gave orders to shoot to kill those that were looting. The riot stopped the next day. In LA during the Rodney King riots store owners protected their property by arming themselves. The fact is not one Democrat politician has condemned these thugs such as ANTIFA and the Communist led BLM. Force is the only solution to stop these goons of the left. The coward in the governor’s office wants to see the state ripped apart.
Democrats are making quite a name for themselves as they refuse to object to violence all over the US.