Boulder, CO – Boulder Police say a woman allegedly assaulted a 12-year-old boy over the Trump sign on his bicycle. Police are still searching for the woman.
According to the police report, the woman made a U-turn after passing the boy on her moped. She assaulted the boy, hitting him multiple times, and attempted to take the Trump campaign sign when the boy used it to defend himself.
Thankfully, the boy in question was not seriously injured in the alleged assault.
He had this to say after the assault, according to FOX31:
“I was just shocked about why she did that,” the boy said. “She probably didn’t know that I was a 12-year-old. But either way, whatever age I am, they shouldn’t be doing that.”
From FOX31
That is a very mature response to a very immature attack.
The boy’s father wants to press charges when the woman is identified. He said his son is “very patriotic” and “appreciates what the president’s doing for our country.”
She is described as a white female in her 20s to 30s with blonde or brownish hair past her shoulders. She was wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a tan jacket. She rode a grayish-blue moped with a black seat.
Now, there are plenty of examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This instance, however, takes the cake.
A woman assaulted a 12-year-old boy because his opinion of President Donald Trump differs from hers.
We hope the woman turns herself in to the police and gets the help she needs. Obviously, she (and many others) need to address the hate they feel towards Trump supporters.
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This is an example of Boulder at its finest…..hateful, intolerant, self-absorbed citizenry. No surprises here…
That is exactly what it is. These people are mentally ill.
Yep. It’s the worst of the three “pimples” as I call them; Denver, Boulder, Ft. Collins. Though recently a few citizens in Ft. Collins proved that they aren’t beyond the pale yet.
Join Boulder County Republicans for a Free Speech Rally tomorrow Friday Sept 4th 3 p.m. at the intersection of Folsom and Glenwood in Boulder where the assault took place .
The father of the 12 yr old boy will be joining us! Bring your signs and wear your patriotic gear. Come show your support for this brave young man and for all who have been “beaten up” for practicing their free speech.
they will never find her/it, her associates will come to her/it’s aid, conceal her, change her appearance , say she/it was with them. Now id the reverse had happen there would be a full scale investigation by the DA office for a hate crime, assault and battery of a minor. One question i would expect to be asked can the young person describe this mental aberrant to a sketch artist, and would the local yellow rag even post that sketch, the answer is no on both. If the young person had fought back guess who would be in jail. So people tell me again how this country is not being divided by the actions of the liberal/socialist, blm, and the terrorist groups? If people continue to think this will blow over they are doing the polis
You’d probably find her in the state legislation making our laws.
So tired of living in places where everyone has to think the same! BLM is a brainwashing religion. Get these supporters alone and they can’t even think for themselves. How is that not a red flag to people supporting this movement: if you don’t think like us you’re horrible, messed up, need to be taken down. WHAT THE HELL? So weird. Imagine applying that logic to everything you like and don’t like. i.e. I love Rom/Com movies, if you don’t YOU’RE HORRIBLE! I don’t like eating eggplant, if you do YOU’RE HORRIBLE! I prefer small dogs over large dogs, if you disagree YOU’RE HORRIBLE – OH, AND WE CAN’T BE FRIENDS! Entitled spoiled brats act this way. But the craziest thing of all… these people not understanding freaking Karma. What you put out YOU WILL HAVE COME BACK TO YOU! For that reason alone I try to be kind to people who don’t like me, say hurtful things to me etc. Not worth it.
Lastly, imagine hiring these people to work for you or you working for them? Like the woman in Portland the other day praising the men who murdered the gentleman for being a Trump supporter. Imagine having her WORK FOR YOU? Imagine her babysitting your child. CREEEEEPY! Imagine you working for HER! If I found out my boss was acting this way and praising men for murdering someone for difference of opinions, I’d get out of there so fast… because you know it’s just a matter of time before she/he snaps. Pay attention to these red flags people!