Colorado Springs, CO — President Trump is in Colorado today. He will be appearing at the World Arena in Colorado Springs at 5 P.M. You can watch the live stream on our website (courtesy of FOX), so please tune-in!
We know the left has been bragging that their candidates had better crowds in the past week than the President will have tonight. The World Arena has limited seating, topping out at 8,000. However, that hasn’t stopped the vast amount of supporters showing up for the rally. So let’s start fighting the disinformation on crowd size, indicating support.
Here are some pictures of the crowd up to six hours before the rally starts:

Facebook page from right before lunch

Don’t let the lamestream media lie about the support for President Trump in Colorado!
Please share and post your thoughts about the rally. If you’re there, please share your thoughts by posting below and on our social media!
Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press. We’re always looking for good stories to write. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@USACitizenPress)!
I was there. I wasnt one of the lucky ones that made it in. There had to be 20 thousand or more there. Unbelievable support Trump 2020.
Let’s win colorado and flip this state I would love this.
According to Brad Parscale who is Campaign Manager for @realdonaldtrump
2020 Presidential Campaign.
71,984 Tickets requested
38,790 Voters Identified (94% from CO)
19% Didn’t Vote in 2016 (7,286 voters!!!)
17% Democrats
17% Democrats