Denver, CO – Former Vice President Joe Biden, former Governor John Hickenlooper, and candidate Lauren Boebert win their elections in Colorado.
Biden’s and Hickenlooper’s wins are not surprising.
President Donald Trump is not well-liked in Colorado, and Gardner faced nonstop attacks from left-wing groups and, like Trump, the media.
Boebert defeated incumbent Congressman Scott Tipton in the Republican primary and then took down former State Representative Dianne Mitsch Bush (D) in the general.
Boebert is the declared victor with 51.1 percent of the vote compared to Mitsch Bush’s 45.6 percent. This is proof that some areas of Colorado are still willing to back vocally conservative candidates.
At the state level, Republicans appear to have flipped House District 47. Representative Bri Buentello (D-Pueblo) took only 43.32 percent of the vote compared to her Republican challenger, Stephanie Luck. Luck captured 51.68 percent of the vote (as of 3:00 P.M. on November 4, 2020).
Incumbent Senator Bob Rankin (R) is potentially facing an automatic recount. Rankin leads his challenger, Karl Hanlon (D), 50.14 percent to 49.86 percent as of 10 A.M. on Wednesday morning.
Despite this narrow lead, Republicans lost another seat to Democrats in the Colorado State Senate. Democrat Chris Kolker defeated Republican Suzanne Staiert in Senate District 27.
Senator Kevin Priola is narrowly beating challenger Paula Dickerson in Senate District 25.
Stay tuned for more election news!
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Kiss good-bye the Constitution and our rights as citizens of the United States of America. The corrupt brain dead Biden, and his gang and Colorado’s pitiful Polis. Thanks to the rotten liberals who flooded our state! This entire election has taken away the right to vote for millions of people
I agree our state finished going down the tubes
Coloradans will never get anything “conservative”, or even legal, from “chickenpooper”; too bad so many illegals and kalifornication libnuts moved in and are allowed to continue destroying this once, great red state. We lived there for twenty-one years; when we arrived, it was simply a great free state; in early two-thousand, it started to turn and has just gotten worse ever since. Once “chickenpooper” hit town (from PA), he immediately ran for mayor, won that seat and immediately turned Denver into a sanctuary city-with all the filth, garbage and crime the illegals could bring. Succeeding at that, he then ran for governor and, immediately, started trying to turn the entire state into a sanctuary for illegals. With him, came the kali fruits and nut, who offered more than a little assistance. He almost succeeded, before he ran out of time (and office), now the bastard is back at it again. So, folks, if you want MORE crime, violence, destruction, drugs, child trafficking and murder, just keep voting democrat and you will, definitely, get more of the same. My family and I got out just in time, so I wish you luck.
Well said. Colorado will never again vote “red” as a state. Never. Us on the west slope are the last bastion of sanity in Colorado. Lauren was a lock from the day she called out Beto. Over. It was hers and that spineless swamper Tipton never saw it coming. Perhaps he can become Gardner’s personal assistant in DC or at the Brownstein Law firm in Denver. Tipton would be the perfect lapdog for that worthless Never Trumper Gardner.
My husband and I are leaving the Far Left Progressive Filth and Communist Police State of CO as soon as we sell our home. We have lived here 23 years and feel like aliens on another planet. CO has been Californicated and turned into a One Party State. Look at CA to see the future of CO. Their homeless tent encampments have surpassed 40,000 in LA. The taxes , fees, cost of living are outrageous. People have been leaving CA in droves the past decade and taken over CO and many other states, like locusts, voting for the same far left politicians.
I have lived here over fifty years and stand to lose my home of 40 years because of the unconstitutional social programs that have been installed in Colorado. I cannot afford the increased taxes that go with them and can barely pay my property tax now. I will be joining many who are fleeing this once great state to RV full time.
President Donald Trump is not well-liked in Colorado? The rural counties voting for Conservative Lauren Boebert and Conservative Ron Hanks HD60 and Conservative Stephanie Luck HD 47, ALSO voted for Trump 55 to 76%. If it were not for the invaded corridor of Larimer, Boulder, Denver and surrounding Denver counties, this state would be RED 2020.
Let’s hope the conservatives who won will continue with a strong voice as they take office in 2021.
Cory Gardner lost BECAUSE he is bipartisan to a fault. If he’s going to vote like a democrat, people might as well vote for a democrat. He’s been a great disappointment.
We need to demand a recount… Colorado has not always been a democratic state for 25 years it was very red and just within the last 16 it’s been blue pretty much since Obama- we are NINE electoral college votes, almost going to get another one. We need the Secretary of State out of office. She is a hard democrat who helped Obama and polis and know yo hug the votes and voters a little too tight around election time. I know without a shadow of a doubt Trump got Colorado.