Denver, CO – The Bias at 9News is Showing More Than Ever After the Station Hired an Unlicensed Security Contractor Who Shot and Killed a Man in Denver.
9News issued a statement attempting to distance themselves from Matthew Dolloff, a security contractor who shot and killed peaceful Trump supporter Lee Keltner on Saturday.
Dolloff was a contracted employee with 9News. Dolloff did not have a security license and was not legally allowed to carry a firearm in the City of Denver. Dolloff is an alleged Antifa member, and his social media shows that he is an active supporter of Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other leaders of the radical left.
The full statement issued by 9News reads:
“9NEWS is deeply saddened by this loss of life. We have and will continue to cooperate fully with law enforcement.”
9News did not even go so far as to condemn the actions of their employee. Instead, the statement was limited to being “saddened by this loss of life,” and did not even acknowledge the events that caused it.
This shouldn’t be a surprise considering their poster boy Kyle Clark treats the Denver riots with such a dismissive attitude.
Clark believes that people who are afraid to come to Denver are just buying into “talk radio fear-mongering” and that the danger of Antifa is overstated.
Well, Kyle, a man is dead. Will you still shame those who are afraid to take their families to Denver? Antifa has continually proven to be violent. Denver is not a safer place than it was six months ago.
The fact is, 9News did not do their due diligence in their hiring process. Dolloff was illegally operating as security and was illegally carrying a firearm. Dolloff was not qualified for the job. He is a member of the violent, radical left.
Lee Keltner paid the price for 9News’ mistake with his life.
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What did we expect, from 9news, or any media source, or any liberal/socialist, none have condemned the criminal actions of any of these terrorist, in fact they have been encouraging what they do. This has been the plan from the on set, leading up to the Nov. 2020 elections to create as much disruption, trying to get Trump to respond so they can vilify him even more. They have control of all of the places that broadcast, there is no voice for the real Americans these days. This has been a coordinated effort by the media, liberal/socialist, big money in the shadows, who we know, all to destroy our Republic. This has been going on for some time, so the question is when will the real Americans stand up and be counted to stop this, or will too many be satisfied to be down on their knees and take what will come, If so our fore fathers would be a shame of us and rightly so. So were do we start, phone calls to media places, elected people at their homes, then emails, then pickets, at all of the media station, places of business, liberal/socialist homes, time to turn the tables, or continue to do the polis
My guess is Ch 9 News will soon be hit with a big lawsuit from the victims family.
There really is no good way for them to spin this story.
yo Kyle Clark they need a poster boy in seattle and portland… pack your shit and bye.
Clark is nothing more than a propagandist and modern day bolshevik.
F him