Denver, CO – On Monday, Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) held a rally in Denver’s Civic Center Park. As we predicted, Sanders promised tons of “free” stuff and lashed out at President Donald Trump.
Bad Policy
The Vermont Socialist called for the cancelation of student loan debt, government-run single-payer healthcare, national minimum wage increases, tax increases, and gun control. No surprises there, but we want to briefly focus on the pipe-dream that is “canceling” student loan debt.
First of all, someone must pay off all that debt. Sanders cannot wave his socialist wand and make it go away, and the idea only becomes worse after assessing the costs.
Canceling student loan debt (with a tax increase to pay for it) is a disgusting ploy for votes. Sanders wants to pick winners and losers by rewarding those who accrued debt and essentially punishing those who did not. Seems to us like an excellent way to punish folks for making smart financial choices.
Troubling Rhetoric
Sanders also attacked Trump according to this quote from KDVR:
“We cannot have a president who is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot,” Sanders told the crowd.
KDVR, “Thousands pack Denver’s Civic Center Park for Bernie Sanders rally”
For a campaign centered around “us, not me,” Sanders is taking a hypocritical stance with this attack. Numerous Trump supporters we spoke to recently feel that Trump-hating liberals are accusing them of being bigots and racists as well. They feel that because they support many of Trump’s policies, they too are accused of being awful human beings.
The people that feel this way are our neighbors, friends, and community members. They are good people that feel accused of horrible actions and beliefs. Unfortunately, in some cases, they are accused.
One of our readers recently contacted our tip line and alleged that a protestor shouted “bye racist,” as they left the #StandWithICE rally in Aurora on September 2nd. The reader noted that they remained mostly quiet during the rally and did not carry a sign. Yet, when they were leaving, they were confronted by a protestor making hateful statements.
Candidates like Sanders perpetuate this growing rift with their rhetoric. They claim Trump is dividing the country, then turn around and make divisive, hate-filled statements.
Trump succeeded by saying what people were thinking and calling it like it is. Will Democrats calling it “like it isn’t” work for them?
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