Concerned citizens are rallying at the capitol to speak out against the mandatory sex education bill.…
Author: Citizen Press Staff
Rep. Melton sponsors bill to protect criminals like himself
We would have missed this if it weren’t for one of our loyal readers sending us…
Initiative 300 will worsen Denver’s homeless problem
The Democrat-controlled Colorado Legislature has done everything it can to mirror California policies, and if Initiative…
Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Sunday Bible Verse
Proverbs 18:10 English Standard Version (ESV) 10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Sunday Bible Verse
Ephesians 6:10-18 (ESV) The Whole Armor of God 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength…