Aurora City Council Member Charlie Richardson proposed lifting the city’s ban on pit bulls. Instead, he wants to replace it with laws punishing lousy dog owners.
From a freedom standpoint, we are all for this. It is the responsibility of dog owners to control their pets, not the government.
Think of it from a gun rights standpoint. It is your inalienable right to own a firearm. If you misuse that firearm, there can be consequences, but not until that point.
Dogs make awesome companions, and they make fantastic service animals. According to Richardson, people in Aurora are already registering pit bulls as service animals in order to skirt the ban.
It is absolutely absurd that responsible dog owners should have to register their pit bull as a service animal in order to keep them legally. Again, think firearm ownership.
Likewise, the government should not be able to confiscate your pit bull without condemning evidence and due process. This is where changing the law to punish irresponsible dog owners comes into play. Now, think Red Flag gun confiscation!
Pit bull bans are being lifted across the country. In fact, the Castle Rock City Council unanimously lifted their pit bull ban.
So, if you truly support freedom and liberty, support lifting government bans on dog breeds. With public support, we hope Aurora (and other cities in Colorado) will follow suit.
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Very dangerous breed . Little girl was attacked across the street once and I cannot forget that . Also , please watch Judge Judy on tv and see just some of the attacks by pitbulls . It has been inbred from 400 years ago . Owning one can result in the owner being attacked out of nowhere . If you have any children , they seem to like to attack what is small , like a child .