Aspen, CO – Parents recently dropped bombshells at an Aspen School District Board of Education meeting. The parents alleged their children were bullied for not supporting the planned climate change walkout. The Aspen Times originally reported on these events.
Parents also informed the School Board that before and during the walkout, teachers showed students a climate change film claiming the world would end in 12 years.
This is what one parent had to say regarding the alleged bullying.
“Just last week the mother of a high schooler told me her son had rocks thrown at him and was called a fascist for not participating in the walkout,” the parent said. “My (child) came to me in tears the night before the climate event because (the child) didn’t know how to feel or what to do because the school had made the picture sound so ‘fun.’”
From: Some Aspen parents are hot about schools’ climate change talk, by Rick Carroll
The picture mentioned in the quote is of students posing in the shape of a snowflake to promote the walkout. According to the article, students also made banners in preparation for the climate strike. Our understanding is these activities occurred during school hours.
In total, 321 high school students and 80 middle schoolers participated in the strike. We are guessing a number of these students were only looking for an excuse to skip class and hang out with their friends.
Let’s focus on the rock-throwing.
This is the kind of abhorrent behavior supported by far-left socialist groups. If someone does not agree with them, they will use violence and intimidation to get their way.
Now, these disgusting tactics are being used on children in schools. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but violence and intimidation are not tactics intended for American politics.
The bottom line, no student deserves to be ostracized or threatened for their beliefs and ideas.
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For those that march should be considered an unexcused absence. They need to be learning real life. Our public schools are so disgusting and they fail the students with this crap.
Take your kids out of public schools and homeschool them! Or is that too much of a disruption to your lives, parents?? The kids know how much you care, leaving them in those situations.
While holding a martini in some rich house on the hill. Home schooling is simply not an option for two earner parental households. Hold on the high and mighty attitude, thank you.
Requesting public school vouchers be applicable to private Christian schools. Currently you can voucher out of public into charter or some private, specifically even the hundreds of charters we’ve now learned are ran by islamic front groups. But you are not allowed to use that voucher to send children to a Christian school. That costs you 300 per child per month as well as many many other expenses.
Homeschoolers need to stop preaching and demand a tax refund for all the millions of dollars they’ve saved the public education system. If we could get that tax money back, more people would be inclined to homeschool because it would offset excess taxation rather than simply costing a lot more, including double taxation. Homeschooling parents should not be paying for school taxes.
Taxation without representation is more common than taxation with representation these days. I told the school admins that at the very first hint of any islamic or pro gay educational content, I will pull the girls from school and find solutions. They assured me none of that is going on, at least not in the k-5. We have daily talks about how mentally unhealthy people are these days and how they bully straight traditional christian students into having to accept their mental derangement syndromes. We talk about effective ways to handle these social justice bullies and we have informed our children they will not get in trouble at home if they ever have to stand up to a school administrator or teacher or anyone else for that matter. Another brick in the wall. We only send them there because we have to. They consistently test 3 grades or more higher. The educational system is quickly becoming a waste of everyones time. They’d learn more at home, if only we could afford to keep them home.
Home schooling is not the answer. Some parents have to work to make ends meet. They pay taxes and EXPECT their children to receive a good education. Wherewould this country be today had previous generations not had that opportunity? The only answer is to GET RID of liberal professors, teaches and leaders who are hurting and frightening our children.
A little bullying is fine. See what happens when it’s ‘a thing’? Now bullying is everywhere. In a police state, escalating consequences is inevitable. The world is not fair and there is no such thing as social justice or social equality. Stop crying and get over it or I will help you get over it because I don’t want to hear your complaints anymore. See how easy that is? If you’re mad, get in line. If you want to do something about it, take me to court. My free speech does not end when you begin to be offended. If you win in court, I will refuse to pay and would liquidate before you ever see a dime. Try again.