As we predicted, ex-Governor John Hickenlooper’s campaign “ended” yesterday at 10 pm. We made a similar prediction about Senator Michael Bennet earlier today.
Now, we doubt Hickenlooper hangs up his hat right away. After all, he still has a few donors to milk for contributions. But, when those donors dry up, we expect Hickenlooper will fall short of requirements for the third Democratic debate.
Fox News scored a post-debate interview where he complained that “moderate” candidates did not receive as much air time.
Hickenlooper was right of course, but what else can you expect from a CNN hosted debate?
NPR was kind enough to put this graphic together:

Not only did “moderates” receive less air time, but Hickenlooper brought up the rear. Probably for a good reason – the former Governor of Colorado tends to stumble given a public platform to speak. He survived this debate, but do you remember when he was booed in California for decrying socialism?
Hickenlooper says he will head back to Iowa, where he will have to compete even harder for airtime. The good politicians in Congress are on vacation, and those who are running for president will likely be stumping on the campaign trail.
So, we will likely be covering Hickenlooper’s next gaffe here, because he just does not know when to quit.
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How much $$ does each candidate pay to be on the stage for the debates?
Who does the money go to and what do they do with it?
Thanks for answering these questions and finding out more information!
Ah that stupid look you make when you realize outside of Boulder and Denver no one cares about your economy ruining failed policies