Denver, CO – Democrats are coming for your guns…again! In 2013, Democrats passed universal background checks that regulated all aspects of private sales and transfers of firearms in Colorado. That was in addition to limiting the number of rounds per magazine that you can possess as a private citizen. In 2019, the Democrats passed the Red Flag legislation that gives the government the ability to take your guns if they “believe” you’re a threat. Democrats aren’t done, they hate freedom!
Two new anti-gun bills will be introduced soon, from Representatives Kyle Mullica (D-Northglenn) and Supreme Anti-gunner Tom Sullivan (D-Centennial).
The first bill will REQUIRE gun owners to store their firearms securely. We think House Republican Leader Patrick Neville summed up the problems with this bill:
The “safe storage” bill, Neville said, would make it harder for people to defend their homes in the event of invasions…”You have to get up, put in a combination in a safe — that’s one extra second that makes it harder to defend yourself. Seconds matter in these circumstances,” said Neville, who was a student at Columbine High School when the mass shooting happened there.
Alex Burness, The Denver Post, February 4, 2020
Yeah, no kidding. Who has time to access a gun safe when criminals are breaking into your house and threatening your family? The more significant issue here is that the government doesn’t think citizens are responsible enough to store their guns. This is just plain stupid. How will they enforce this? Will the government be knocking on your door for an inspection? Maybe we shouldn’t give these Democrats new ideas.
The second bill will require citizens to report their lost or stolen firearms to authorities within a few days. Seems benign on its face, but as Neville says:
[T]he “lost and stolen” bill, Neville argued, would effectively criminalize victims of crimes.
Alex Burness, The Denver Post, February 4, 2020
We believe the lost and stolen bill will also enter gun owners into a database. That’s nice, especial with the Red Flag law in place. How long until the fact that you own a gun, labels you a threat? Our guess – not long!
Democrats will keep on chipping away at your 2nd Amendment Rights until they disappear.
What are you going to do, and what say you, readers?
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It time to recall all of the Demacrats
My question to you, Colorado citizen press; aside from just throwing the Snippets of Downer news about how the Democrats are crushing us in the polls and infringing on our gun rights, what are we going to do to bolster the Republican party in this state? What are we going to do to fight back? How do we Fundraise to match with the Democrats are pumping out in monetary value?
I agree with Dean. The only effective change that can occur, is at election time. Vote these Democrats out and return both houses to the Republicans. Same on the national level. We must retake the House in order to get issues once more addressed in this country. It is beyond me, why people keep continually electing these people. Democrats are a brazen bunch that want to control every aspect of your life. Enough is enough.
It so boils down to our constitutional rights. The red flag bill does not allow you to face your accuser.
Is there still something they do not understand about “Shall not be infringed”? This is the only part of the bill of rights that has this clause. Even back they knew the right to bear arms would be attacked by those seeking power.
they do not care they have the majority in both houses, and believe there is no way to stop them, untouchable “you can’t touch this”. I am not aware of a constitutional challenge to any thing they are doing in regard to all 2 nd amendment issues, which to me is hard to understand as all that they have done is a violation to our Constitutional rights 2, 4,5, 6 maybe more. They have no fear of a reprisal from the real people of Colorado, the people that actually pay taxes, that funds their agendas. They know that there base which pays little or no taxes will all ways support them, re-elect them time and time again to ensure the free stuff keeps coming at the expense of the real tax payers, thinking us as fools to fund them, and their elected people aka aberrations will make sure it keeps coming sticking it to us, giving us the middle finger each day, had enough yet, do you want to get in their face at each opportunity, if so time is now