Anti-energy activists recently gained approval for a Denver ballot initiative that creates a “carbon” tax on energy consumption.
Why? Because these misguided activists believe it is their duty to tax away “evil” energy sources like natural gas. The initiative doubles the tax hike for anyone above the average usage rate. It’s clear they are bent on getting rid of the clean and affordable natural gas industry.
So if you use natural gas at a higher rate than your neighbors and this initiative passes, expect to get gouged for living in modern society.
According to the measure’s language, folks who use 100 percent renewable energy will be exempt from the carbon tax. When was the last time you heard of anyone in Denver living, or businesses operating on wind and solar power alone? Oh, that’s right, NEVER!
Excel energy already requested a rate increase for consumers due to their failure to shift towards renewable energy in a cost-effective manner. We simply do not have the technology yet to make the switch to renewable energy an affordable option. It’s a pipe dream.
If climate activists, like the ones from Colorado Rising who shut down a town hall meeting due to belligerent behavior, are allowed to control the entire climate change debate, we are in big trouble.
Don’t get us wrong, we are all for increasing our usage of renewable energy, but it should only be done through the free market. Not through government mandates, and definitely not through outrageous tax hikes that hurt consumers and the economy.
Petition gatherers will need 8,265 valid signatures to get the measure on the ballot. If they are successful (we expect they will be), the measure will appear on the November ballot.
Elections matter — turn out folks, and stop this madness before it destroys our state.
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