Denver, CO — Legislators cannot take no for an answer. Voters have overwhelming rejected tax increases and any changes to the State Constitution that would allow lawmakers to raise taxes without voter approval.
Voter’s opinions don’t matter to liberal politicians. Even after getting spanked at the polls in the last few election cycles, it looks like there may be another tax increase proposal on the horizon.
Some groups are fighting back, but considering who they’re targeting, it is falling on deaf ears. For example, Speaker of the House K.C. Becker has been targeted. Becker is in a safe seat in Boulder; there is zero threat to her re-election. Obviously, after reading her quotes in The Colorado Sun, you should agree:
Becker, who is one of the lawmakers targeted by the mailers, confirmed that new taxes or fees are part of the current discussion about a transportation spending bill. The main revenue source for road projects is the gas tax, but it has remained stagnant for nearly three decades and is a diminishing source of revenue…“There’s some level of agreement that there has to be some new source of revenue,” she said.
John Frank, Colorado Sun, February 12, 2020
The Colorado Sun also quotes the Senate Republican leader about how most Republicans don’t favor a tax increase. That is, “most” Republicans. Unfortunately, some Republicans seem to be ready to jump on board every tax increase.
The legislature has the money to fund roads. However, with some turncoat Republicans, coupled with complete liberal Boulder control over the state of Colorado, expect to see something come out of the legislature this year.
Will we see another tax increase on the ballot? Or, will we see fees (taxes) raised on things like car registrations (again).
Do you support a tax increase for transportation? What do you think about Republicans who support tax increases? Do you wonder with the state budget increased by a third in the last decade, why the legislature can’t find the money to fund the roads? Please post your comments below and on social media!
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Tax increases are ALWAYS touted as “roads and education” but never seem to change those things. They wind up in politician pet projects like more bicycle lanes and $38,000,000 upgrades for a school district with less than 1,000 residents. Waste not, want not.
The deeper problem is that most auto fees and gas taxes and license fees go into general revenue, instead of being used mostly for used for road construction, maintenance and traffic safety.
It seems to me that the the easier solution is simply to increase the percentage of revenues of each of these to support their original purpose. Of course radical Polis-o-crats will not hear of it.
Don’t get me started about increasing subsidies to Electrical Vehicles, and “clean” power like wind and solar. These obviously consume big tax dollars, increase our utility bills, require more taxes, and add environmental damage such as chopped birds (wind) and heavy metal pollution (EV batteries). So of course Polis simply simply decrees mandatory economic stupidity.
First of all, Legislators want to get more money for ‘transportation’ projects but do NOT use the money they already get FOR ‘transportation projects’!! They use the money (without our permission) for their “pet projects”! As always, they think we, the Colorado taxpayers are stupid and don’t know this. Therefore, they think they can ‘cry wolf’ for the importance of getting more money for ‘transportation’ needs and the people will fold knowing that roads,intrastate railways, airports, bridges, etc. need to be repaired. This so-called ‘fees’ are well-know to be taxes in disguise. Something needs to be done to stop them from using the word ‘fee’ and tell it like it is…tax!!!
NO, a new revenue source is NOT needed. What IS needed is reduced costs of government operations and elimination of unnecessary and wasteful spending and programs, many of which are even unconstitutional.