San Francisco, CA – An abortionist testified that “it is almost certain” Planned Parenthood practices led to live-birth abortions, and how their methods posed a risk to mothers.
LifeSiteNews is covering the (politically motivated) trial of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who exposed the illegal sale of body parts by Planned Parenthood in 2015. They detail the testimony of Dr. Forrest Smith, America’s longest practicing abortionist claiming at least 50,000 abortions (murders). Smith even admits abortions kill babies.
“You can kill a human being, which I admit abortion is, but you have to do it in certain ways,” he said.
Life Site News, “Abortionist testifies at Daleiden hearing: ‘No question…some of these fetuses were live births’,” by Lianne Laurence
Disgusting, and this is no excuse for the murder of babies, but Smith did support the defense in exposing Planned Parenthood.
Smith testified that it is almost certain that some of the abortionists featured in the undercover videos deliberately altered abortion procedures in a way that both led to the birth of living babies with beating hearts, and put women at risk. The goal in these cases would be to obtain fresher, more intact organs.
Life Site News, “Abortionist testifies at Daleiden hearing: ‘No question…some of these fetuses were live births’,” by Lianne Laurence
If this is the truth, one could speculate Planned Parenthood abortionists harvested living babies after birth to sell their organs – funded by American taxpayers.
Some might say, “but our tax dollars do not fund the abortion side of Planned Parenthood’s business.” That is hogwash. No matter how the money is funneled, American taxpayers cover over $500 million in costs for a company accused of illegally altering abortion procedures and putting women at risk.
Planned Parenthood is all but accused of killing babies by harvesting organs after babies are born alive, but that line of questioning was not allowed. It was ruled as “speculative and irrelevant.” If Planned Parenthood did induce live births, we find it hard to come to any other conclusion, but again, this is speculation.
Smith later explained the proper action to take when babies are born alive during an abortion.
Smith said the proper standard of care for babies born alive during an abortion was to “institute promptly all resuscitative care.” If this was not done, the fetus “dies by neglect.”
Life Site News, “Abortionist testifies at Daleiden hearing: ‘No question…some of these fetuses were live births’,” by Lianne Laurence
We believe the most accurate term is “murdered by neglect,” but Smith chose to use the legal term instead.
These shocking revelations come after multiple states passed abortion bans in 2019, and abortion totals continue to decrease in the U.S.
Presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is also mentioned in the case. She ordered a raid of Daleiden’s apartment as Attorney General of California in April of 2016. Readers may remember Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, sent a press release to Planned Parenthood for edits back in May of 2019.
In more news on the Colorado abortion front, petitions were recently approved to save babies in Colorado.
Colorado Citizen Press will be monitoring this case as it unfolds.
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