The left just never quits trying to sue or persecute businesses out of business. Christian businesses seem to be the main target. This needs to stop, and how many times does the Court have to side with the 1st Amendment before they learn (Do liberals ever learn?!?!).
First, let’s start with Lakewood Colorado’s Jack Phillips. Jack and his bakery Masterpiece Cakeshop (his creations are fantastic) was harassed by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for not baking a gay wedding cake because it went against his religious convictions. This case went all the way to the Supreme Court who ruled in Jack’s favor…But of course, the story doesn’t end there.
Gay activists pursued “gotcha” moments by frequenting his business looking to take Jack down. Even Boulder Liberal Attorney General Phil Weiser chose not to pursue the latest case brought against Jack, because even he knew the lefty grandstanding here and eventual loss AGAIN at the Supreme Court wasn’t worth it. Plus, Jack fought back by filing a discrimination case against the State of Colorado.
However, the plaintiff in the case is still pursuing her claim without the help of the State of Colorado (she clearly doesn’t have a clue). Jack sums up his common sense position here:
“I know the Bible says that God created male and female and that we don’t get to choose that, and we don’t get to change that. And I don’t feel like the government has a right to compel me to participate in creating a cake that promotes that message.”
-Credit Colorado Public Radio
Let’s pray that Jack prevails!

Our second persecuted business is Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Washington. It has a similar case to Jack Phillips’. Barronelle Stuzman, a florist, refused to use her skills to make a floral arrangement for a gay wedding because of her religious beliefs. Again she was singled out by the usual suspects and had to fight lawsuits for the last 7 years. These libs use taxpayer’s money to fund this stuff, I’m sure that makes you as happy as we are.
We pray that justice is served and Barronelle prevails as well!

Finally, and chalk this one up in the “WINNING!” column. Gibson’s Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio was targeted by the local liberal arts college because they believed the bakery was racist. After one of the Oberlin students, who happens to be an African-American (AKA American, because we don’t play identity politics!), was arrested for shoplifting. Apparently, the students forgot that shoplifting is a crime, so they decided to actively protest the bakery, defaming and libeling the bakery.
Obviously, this hurt business and Gibson’s could prove it. So you know the jury found in FAVOR of Gibsons to the tune OF $11,000,000 DOLLARS! This was a pleasant smack-down to the indoctrinated students and the university.
We’re tired of this crud, when will the left learn? Let’s take back our country and state from these crazy liberals!
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What would happen if a Trump supporter came into my store wearing a MAGA hat and I refused him/her service? You people would raise so much hell and demand that people boycott my store and put me out of business. Period end of story so quit playing your poor me card all the time. You talk about snowflakes when you are the biggest one of all.