Let’s try something new, a little international coverage. We think this is important and emphasizes the need for self-governance. Great Britain has a new Prime Minister, and he’s “conservative.”
In case you’ve been living in a cave, the “Brexit” movement has been alive and well in the United Kingdom. The over-simplified definition of Brexit is that Great Britain wants out of the European Union (EU). You know the socialist governing body of Europe that everyone joined back in the day. As it turns out [sarcasm], centralized control, and over-regulation just don’t work [truth].
So now England and its small kingdom are declaring their independence. This isn’t as amazing as what we did to them in 1776, but nothing will really EVER match that. But England wants to be self-governing instead of under the control of the EU.
The liberal press has been unfairly demonizing the Brexit movement, to about half the level they have demonized President Trump. But strangely, Brexit still remains popular.
Will the libs ever learn? Of course not.
Now the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set the date for Brexit on Halloween AKA October 31st. We think the libs will be forming drum circles, and beating their drums against this pretty heavily until that date.
What we found interesting from this BBC article is the foreign left’s attack on President Trump and America, liberal Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn is quoted as saying:
Dan Bloom, The Daily Morror July 23, 2019
Basically, Jeremy Corbyn, who will be challenging the new Prime Minister in the next election sounds like our favorite bourgeoisie socialist Bernie Sanders. There may be a few similarities to the upcoming US election because some call Boris Johnson “The Britain Trump.”
So, as the world turns – will it turn left or keep on turning, right?
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