Denver, CO – Representative Patrick Neville announced he is officially filing a lawsuit against Governor Jared Polis for his runaway executive orders.
The post stated “House Republican Leader Patrick Neville is suing Governor Polis for his runaway executive orders, including the universal Mask mandate.”
You can view the video here if it does not load on the website.
Attorney Randy Corporon is representing Neville and activist Michelle Malkin in the lawsuit.
Neville called out Polis for issuing five months of executive orders with no legislative input.
The constitutional lawyer present at the press conference confirmed this saying, “The Colorado Constitution flatly forbids that in Article Three. It not only says that there will be divided powers or what they refer to as distributed powers. It goes on to explicitly say no branch shall execute the powers of the other branch unless specifically allowed in the Constitution, and nowhere else does it authorize the governor as the chief executive to legislate the way Governor Polis has…”
Polis has issued 174 executive disaster orders.
Neville went on to say that Polis cannot be directly lobbied by citizens in the same way he, as a Colorado State Representative, can. Neville said, “He’s chosen to bypass that and be King Polis.”
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nero,aka polis does not care, his motto is “you can’t touch this” re MCHammer, for him it is about control, control, and more control. The question has all ways been do mask work, no they do not as 99.99% still let the vapor from speaking pass through, where any virus resides, this was in the interviews with the Surgeon General 17 weeks ago,when I ask about the Surgeon General 95% of the people have no idea who that is, scary. So if it is the contention that mask do work, then every body out of the house, out and about, may be some distance, no mosh pits. If you are sick or think you are sick stay home, if after 3 days you are not getting better call your med. provider, or vet. for what to do next, if you need some things ask friends, family to drop those items off, however if you must go out wear a surgical mask, if you can find one, and bye the way 99.99% of the mask were, are made in china, along with 70%of the respirators, add in 95% of the antibiotic used in the USA were also made in china, 45% of the world supply used. Now for the real information, wearing a mask for any period of time contributes to respiratory problems, remember they do not work. People need fresh air, sun shine to stay healthy, so out and about. If you were to catch the so called chineese, biological warfare virus, the recovery is 99%, unless you are all ready ill with something else, or elderly. Has any one compared this virus to the h1n1 from years ago for how contagious, death rate, then there is the credibility issue of how and what is report, miss reported, we have lost confidence in the government and their stooges to tell the truth, which has made this a bigger problem for citizens, leading this to be more about control and an opportunity to destroy the economy by those in charge, i.e. the liberal/socialist. People know what each must do, so let us get on with life. We still want the truth, the real truth not the con game, in play
Thank you Patrick Neville! That is the first thing I need to say. I’m certain this will add some common sense to our state, and hopefully it can spread throughout the country! Hopefully some of the other unconstitutional behavior will get him out of office. He is not upholding his oath of office to defend the constitution. Therefore he needs to go!
Well, they can’t let a good pandemic go to waste, can they. They will ride it out and keep pushing fear so the public does what they want, including 100% getting vaccinated and violating more of our rights. More people have died from the flu, not this. It is all about control….
Can we have polis removed somehow before his time is up!!!!!! I well sign the petition.!!
I would sign a petition to recall Polis too.
To Sandy and Bev,
I signed a petition to have Pole-Ass recalled well over a year ago. It failed. We didn’t get enough signatures. However, I believe the problem was (and I’m not 100% certain) there were at least two (possibly three) organizations circulating separate petitions, none of which got enough signatures. I believe (and someone who is more knowledgeable, please correct me, if I’m wrong) had they consolidated forces to have a single petition, Pole-Ass would have been recalled.
Just wait- now we jhave executive order 175 – equity,diversity and inclusion mandate to require all state employees to complete the curriculum to make sure we are indoctrinated properly with the left’s cultural marxism platform under the guise of” racial equality and social justice”. Wonder how much the tax payers will be paying for this new training requirement? And don’t laugh because vendors ro the state will have to satisfy some type of criteria before they are rewarded contracts.
Bet your kiddies will get it in their school this year too along with the new legislated sex ed curriculum..
Vote early and often democrats- so we can all be told what to do and how to think from cradle to grave.