Colorado Fines
CBS Denver recently reported that illegal immigrant, Ingrid Encalada la Torre, was fined $5,000 for refusing to comply with a deportation order. She pleaded guilty to felony impersonation for using an illegally obtained social security number.
The illegal immigrant, who has two American born children, has avoided deportation for over two years.
We understand the desire to keep a family together, but the law is the law, and felony impersonation is no light matter.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is under fire for sending this, and other similar fines to illegal immigrants avoiding deportation.
So, can ICE fine illegal immigrants?
Yes, It’s in the Law
According to the U.S. Code under the Immigration and Nationality Act, ICE can fine illegal immigrants for several different reasons.
Illegal immigrants who willfully refuse to comply with a deportation order can face a penalty of up to no more than $500 a day. So, ICE is operating within the law.
Illegal immigrants who commit felonies could face as much as ten years in prison. Oh, and you guessed it, more fines.
By our estimate, Encalada la Torre could face over $365,000 in fines for her refusal to comply with deportation orders. She is getting off easy.
AllLaw simplifies the legal code in the quotes below:
The immigration law actually uses the term “improper entry,” which has a broad meaning. It’s more than just slipping across the U.S. border at an unguarded point. Improper entry can include:
• entering or attempting to enter the United States at any time or place other than one designated by U.S. immigration officers (in other words, away from a border inspection point or other port of entry)
• eluding examination or inspection by U.S. immigration officers (people have tried everything from digging tunnels to hiding in the trunk of a friend’s car)
• attempting to enter or obtain entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or willful concealment of a material fact (which might include, for example, lying on a visa application or buying a false green card or other entry document).
Quoted from an AllLaw article by Ilona Bray, J.D.
1. People removed for a conviction of three or more misdemeanors involving drugs, crimes against the person, or both, or a felony (other than an aggravated felony), shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.
2. People removed for a conviction of an aggravated felony shall be fined, imprisoned for up to 20 years, or both.
3. People who were excluded or removed from the United States for security reasons shall be fined, and imprisoned for up to ten years, which sentence shall not run concurrently with any other sentence.
4. Nonviolent offenders who were removed from the United States before their prison sentence was up shall be fined, imprisoned for up to ten years, or both.
Quoted from an AllLaw article by Ilona Bray, J.D.
Now, the next time you hear someone complain that ICE cannot fine illegal immigrants, you are armed with the knowledge to correct them.
Illegal actions have consequences.
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Then the Goverment should have no problem arresting every illegal on our New Home Builders jobsites. Because all of them are using someones elses SS# and & breaking laws by companies who pay them as a un licensed contractors. Let Ice start cleaning up our jobsites, from New Home Construction to Commerical to now sending illegals to your HOMES that has had NO back ground checks . Child molesters to rapist’s . I can prove it. !!
We have been sold out by BOTH political parties on the immigration issue. Our last 5 Presidents refused to enforce our immigration laws, none of our party leaders did anything of merit to stop the flood of illegal aliens pouring in, most were re-elected. Evidently American citizens didn’t care, many of them wanted a never ending supply of slave labor.
The Barbarians are not only at the gate, they are HERE, thanks to the people we elected to represent us ! What will be done about this situation ? If history is any indication the answer is, probably nothing unless citizens to it themselves.