Colorado Springs, CO – Multiple Colorado counties will not enforce Governor Jared Polis’ mask mandate, according to recent reports.
Delta, El Paso, Elbert, Mesa, Teller, Washington, and Weld counties say they will not enforce the executive order in one way or another.
Mesa County says they will not issue tickets for violating the order because it is a public health matter, not a criminal matter. They will, however, pursue trespassing charges for persons who refuse to leave a private building when asked.
Other county sheriffs made similar statements.
Weld County Commissioners say it is up to individuals to make the decision of whether or not they should wear a mask.
We want to be very clear for our readers here. If a business owner or manager asks you to comply with the order, or leave their place of business, please comply. They absolutely have that right. It is Polis who does not.
Police can and should protect businesses from non-compliant customers who refuse to leave the premises.
Governor Polis
Polis claims his mask order’s goal is to create a uniform mandate to eliminate confusion from county to county. Obviously, that backfired.
Polis has no legal authority to issue a mandate that criminalizes citizens – full stop.
Thankfully, many (elected) county officials are calling his bluff.
His mask mandate is an abuse of power, and House Minority Leader, Representative Patrick Neville (D-Douglas), says he is suing Polis over the mandate.
Unfortunately, other counties and municipalities, such as Denver, intend to issue citations to non-compliant citizens.
Polis is stretching an already politicized COVID-19 response to its breaking point.
What do you think will happen next? Is this mask order a precursor to another order to shut down businesses?
Please share!
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Mandatory masks Communism 101
“Other county sheriffs made similar statements.”
Why not include the names of these other sheriffs? Those of us who don’t live in named counties would definitely be interested in which of those were.
Actually, if you look it up, businesses don’t have the right to mandate masks.
There are 64 Colorado counties so we need to see a lot more push back but at least there are some stepping to the plate. It is being speculated the king’s mask edict will be followed up with a second shelter at home order. Polis has to do everything he can to make sure the state’s economy, families, and small businesses are destroyed before the election on Nov. 3rd. To all these Democrat marxists, the end justifies the means.
I wish Douglas County would join that list
another shut down? without a doubt, and also without a doubt that will only be the start of much worse to come.
Never worn a mask and NEVER will. Hopefully I’ll be out of this state soon (I’ve already put in an offer on a house in a state that is fully open with no “mandates”) can’t wait to be out of here and in a state that respects peoples/businesses rights.
Polis said that people who don’t masks are “bastards” (his words not mine). But I’ll use his language to say that any governor that forces people to wear masks is a “bastard.” I think turnabout is fair play.
I want to share a different angle about the 2020 scarlet letter mandate. I am a juvenile diabetic, meaning I am insulin dependent. I am one of those folks my Dr. says should stay away from sick people. She also said that masks, do not protect you from anything other than hiding the ugly.
The masks protect others from you if you are sick. But NOT the way most wear them. She also indicated that she has been warned that in one case a patient with stage 4 liver and brain cancer went into a coma was admitted to the hospital and while on their deaths bed caught the virus by an orderly who was cleaning other patients. She was ordered to list the cause of death as COVID…
Polis closed bars, restaurants, churches, & schools, but pot shops, liquor stores, and of course a orion chambers and Stonewall centers were all kept open as what he calls “essential “. So when Polis claims he knows what’s best for Colorado citizens, consider his lifestyle practices and what he considers essential.
90% of the time I refuse to wear a mask, but I won’t argue with a poor bloke just trying to work a thankless job, I will either put on one of their free masks, or quietly not dine or shop in their store.
I refuse to live in fear, cowering locked in like a rabid dog. Ironic that the people who have the most angst and panic are the very same woke leftist who mocked religion, and belief in God. They have no one to trust but Jared….
When “must” we start wearing blindfolds, too?
Earplugs would keep our ears “safe,” too!