Denver, CO – Numerous counties across Colorado require people to wear masks, but can these counties enforce their mask mandates?
According to a recent CPR article, Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Clear Creek Denver, Eagle, Gunnison, Larimer, Ouray, Routt, San Juan, and Summit counties all have mask mandates in place.
Douglas County opted out of the Tri-county Health Department’s mask mandate, as well as the health department itself.
But are they really enforceable?
The CPR article reports Summit County does not outline any consequences for failing to comply with the order. On the other hand, the order in Denver carries up to a $999 fine.
We are not sure if a ticket for either will actually hold up in court.
Of course, there is also the caveat that you can claim a medical reason for not wearing a mask. Due to privacy laws, those enforcing the order cannot force you to reveal your medical reason.
We do not necessarily suggest you use this excuse. It is likely not worth your time to fight the consequences.
More importantly, there is no point in putting businesses at risk of retaliation from health departments by not complying. This can quickly become expensive to fight.
A statewide mandate?
So far, Governor Jared Polis has avoided a statewide mask mandate. Clearly, Polis would like to issue the order considering his recent tweet demanding Coloradans “WEAR A DAMN MASK.”
However, it appears he is again letting counties take the lead to avoid responsibility. His reluctance is simply a ploy to give himself cover on a controversial issue.
In our opinion, a mask mandate is a lose-lose situation for Polis.
If he mandates masks, he will have many people furious at him for restricting their individual rights and undermining their individual responsibility.
If he does not mandate masks, the woke mob will continue to attack him and demand that they get their way.
Masks may help a little, but they are not the save-all that the media is making of them.
If Polis and local governments really want people to wear masks, they need to be honest.
Masks are more effective at reminding people to be respectful of social distancing and sanitization. Additionally, they help others to feel safe.
Health departments and the government should pass this message along and ask people to wear masks of their own accord.
Threatening people with $999 fines will only serve to create more division.
Related Articles:
- Hypocrite: Hancock Demands People Follow Denver’s Mask Order
- Unelected Bureaucrats Controlling Coloradans
- Polis Closed Bars After Only Two Weeks in Knee-jerk Reaction
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SCAMDEMIC! I ordered a bumper sticker that I had made in very big red lettering. Should be arriving soon.
I want one, where can I get one?
Also, comment on the article, any of this isn’t worth the fight or consequences??? Screw you!!! Our freedoms are worth every act of defiance against this scam, period!! Grow a pair!!!!
You say that masks help people feel safe. If they have underlying conditions they are not safe. Masks are sending a bad message to vulnerable people that they are safe. It’s lying to them. They should be home.
Masks are not healthy. They reduce the amount of O2 you breathe in by 20% , stressing your systems, weakening your immune system. wearing a mask you are breathing back in the CO2 you are exhaling, increasing your toxic load, and weakening your immune system. Mask are stupid to wear and useless as far as keeping you from catching a virus. Virsus are smaller than the openings on a mask,
The article is incorrect. Masks don’t help at all, in fact they are detrimental to staving off infection. More doctors are now on the record saying that masks actually increase the chance of infection for COVID and and other disease organisms. It is a case of the lunatics running the asylum.
Masks violate OSHA required oxygen levels in the air you breathe. Every employer mandating employees wear a mask is in violation.
It’s just a mask.
It’s just two weeks.
It’s just non-essential businesses.
It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It’s just until cases go down more.
It’s just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just for a few more weeks.
It’s just communion or singing. You can still meet.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just a few side effects.
It’s just a bracelet.
It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just an app.
It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just a few more months.
It’s just a video.
It’s just an email account.
It’s just for protecting others from hate speech.
It’s just a few people.
It’s just a credit card company. You can use cash.
It’s just a few places that don’t take cash.
It’s just a little chip.
It’s just for medical information and paying for things.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It’s just for a few more years.
It’s just a statue.
It’s just a building.
It’s just a song.
It’s just a few words.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It’s just a book.
It’s just a movie.
It’s just a flag.
It’s just a piece of cloth.
It’s just a blood test.
It’s just a scan.
It’s just a chip.
It’s just a dog.
It’s just a clump of cells.
It’s just the bad people.
It’s just the undesirables.
It’s just the Jews.
It’s just the men.
It’s just the Christians.
It’s just the people that don’t think like we do.
It’s just… wait…
It’s not just a mask.
By Forrest Maready