Denver, CO – Colorado still paid $250,000 in unemployment benefits in the final week of June, according to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.
Since March 29, Colorado paid out $2.74 billion in total unemployment benefits for the week ending June 20. By the week ending June 27, Colorado paid out $3.02 billion in total unemployment benefits.
The economy is slowly coming back, but these unemployment benefits are unsustainable.
Worst still, we are hearing from more and more people that some on unemployment benefits have no incentive to go back to work.
You see, Colorado is paying an additional $600 per week to eligible claimants in “Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation.” This accounts for approximately $1.61 billion of the $3.02 billion in benefits Colorado has paid out.
With all that extra money coming in, we can see why people do not want to work.
On top of all that, Polis closed bars down again in a knee-jerk reaction.
Something needs to change.
Colorado cannot get back on its feet with Polis’ heavy-handed executive orders. He created this mess, and Coloradans are paying for it.
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Poor Business practices for the State of Colorado. This can’t be sustained. Our new Governor will be whining and crying because he failed to foresee that continuing to YO YO the State of Colorado is not going to work. You can’t open up and then shut down and then open up and then shut down. Small Businesses can’t make it with such a YO YO for an economy.