Denver, CO – Over half of Colorado COVID-19 deaths are from resident/nursing homes, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
According to the data from May 7, 2020, 944 people had passed away due to COVID-19. Of those, 542 deaths were residents of some type of nursing home, assisted living, independent living, or other resident healthcare facilities.
Those 542 deaths include 431 confirmed cases and 111 “probable” cases. It appears Colorado includes cases listed as “probable” in the total death statistic for the state.
The state never reached the max capacity of ICU beds or ventilators, despite graphic warnings from officials.
Could the economy have remained almost entirely open without the mass deaths fear mongers like Governor Jared Polis claimed Colorado would see?
Just as importantly, could something have been done to better respond to the crisis at these facilities? Did all of these people have to die, or did Polis’ focus on destroying the economy take away time and resources that could have helped these residents?
We may never know.
What we do know is, Colorado’s response continues to look more and more like it failed citizens.
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Gov. Polis blames the Fed. Gov’t for the Colorado deaths in nursing homes etc. I heard him do this in one of his televised virus updates he was asked about the deaths in these institutions. What amazes me is……….. the first sign (for the public) that there was a virus problem, is when it was reported that many people had died in a Washington state nursing home. SO why didn’t Gov. Polis take a clue from this instead of now blaming the Fed. Gov’t for his lack of getting on top of the situation.
“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Mark Twain