Democratic Lawmakers Plotting State Funds for Non-citizens Living in Colorado

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Denver, CO – Democratic lawmakers are plotting a way to provide state funds for non-citizens living in Colorado, according to the Colorado Sun.

House Speaker KC Becker on Thursday said legislators are evaluating a variety of ways to provide support to people living in the U.S. illegally and their families who have been impacted by the coronavirus crisis, including California’s route of creating a state fund.

From The Colorado Sun

The federal stimulus package does not provide stimulus checks to people in the United States unlawfully. California already passed a $125 million package for these people.

Democrat lawmakers already allowed Governor Jared Polis to destroy Colorado’s jobs and economy. In contrast, GOP lawmakers have been extremely vocal in calling to reopen Colorado’s economy and get citizens back to work.

Now, Democrats want to give your limited tax dollars to people living illegally in the state.

Colorado is facing a $3 billion budget shortfall, and Democrats want to give away your tax dollars.

If they really wanted to help, they would call on Polis to let people go back to work.

But Colorado Democrats do not want people to succeed on their own. They want to dictate how you live your life, and they want to spend your tax dollars on people living in the state illegally.

The Colorado State Legislature resumes on May 18, 2020, and citizens in Colorado are not the priority.

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5 thoughts on “Democratic Lawmakers Plotting State Funds for Non-citizens Living in Colorado

  1. Deportations are long overdue. We’ve all been victimized by illegals in one way or another. Some more directly. We said no to drivers licenses for illegal aliens. We said no to sanctuary state, county, and city policies. We said no to educational subsidies for illegal migrants. Haven’t the illegals had enough free government money at our expense already? We’d rather see citizenship drives with a firm edict, qualify for your citizenship now or face immediate deportation. I’m refusing to answer the census because I presume it does not have a citizenship question. I have not even opened the envelope and if someone knocks on the door, I will demand they ask me if I’m a citizen or not before responding. I would hope we get less funding, have funding removed, and face economic hardship rather than continue to suffer the idea and real life consequences of Colorado being a magnet for illegal migrants. As if the governors tyranny was not bad enough to seriously consider abandoning our state for somewhere else already. Now Angelo cards for illegals in Colorado? Where do I sign up my name is Juan Valdez and I just got here, can only be reached by cell phone, but can fabricate whatever paperwork is needed for that free dinero. The apparent ethic which is acceptable to follow and promoted by the Colorado state leaders is crime is acceptable and double dipping is o.k. So why not, let me in on this. Let me please ask, who’s going to audit the requests. I don’t want the department in general, I want the specific names of the people auditing so I can assure my expedient processing. Think that’s not happening already? Think again.

  2. We already pay higher insurance rates because of illegals, so does that mean the illegals will pay me back for the higher rates? Or is the state going to reimburse me for the higher rates?

  3. Just like the Obama Years in the White House. Colorado is currently completely under the control of the Liberal Left and being led by Jared Polis who thinks nothing of wiping away votes of the Colorado citizenry like they never even happened. If we do not get things changed in November and get a balance going in the Colorado House and Senate. We are going to be completely controlled by these people.

  4. This BS what is it about illegal immigration that Democrats don’t understand they are braking the LAW! Can’t be any planner than that so no tax payers money 💴 should ever be involved in this mess. If you want to give your money to them than start a donation or go fund me page. …..

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