Denver, CO – On Monday, Governor Jared Polis admitted to causing “massive economic, uh, devastation” by shutting down the economy due to COVID-19.
While answering questions about the JBS meatpacking plant closure in Greeley, Colorado, Polis made this statement.
“Wherever there is one [an outbreak], then what will happen is instead of the entire economy, the entire state quarantining, the folks associated with that outbreak will be tested and quarantined. So it’s that targeted approach that rather than cause this uh, massive economic, uh, devastation across everybody and prevent people from earning a livelihood, there would be a targeted response wherever that is.”
Governor Jared Polis, From: FOX31
The statement occurs at about 37:30 in the video from FOX31.
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(Continue reading current article below)
Polis took away jobs, closed businesses, ordered Coloradans to stay home, and now there is “massive economic, uh, devastation.”
You have it directly from the mouth of Governor Polis. He is responsible for massive economic damage in Colorado.
While it is nice to hear Colorado’s chief tyrant admit how badly he has wrecked the economy, there are other concerns with Polis’ statement.
It sounds like the government of Colorado will continue to exercise strict control over businesses, even after the “Stay at Home” order is lifted.
If the government deems a business experienced an “outbreak” of COVID-19, the government is going to shut it down indefinitely. Indefinitely, in this case, is until the government under Governor Jared Polis decides the business can reopen.
What this means is Polis does not plan to relax control on Colorado businesses and the economy.
He plans to hold on to the power he assumed, even after restrictions are eased April 26, 2020.
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9-11 led to the Patriot Act, in blatant overreach as a flagrant abuse of authority to complement subsequent repeal of law against propaganda use on Americans.
Pending further review, inherent social cohesion disintegration because of rabid suspicion, doubt and paranoia bred by circumstance leading to any essential lack of confidence in the just, fair rule of law and order bodes ill. Such ad hoc questionably civil paradigms have never long stood the test of time. If the cause of true justice is subordinated to plots for power over naturally vital healthy human spirit, then, if any real hope remains for our future, severely corrective remedial solutions are due far more applicably than simple resumption of status quo.
In due time, may God bless, help and save us, or have mercy on our souls, if history has been forgotten one time too many.
I agree with you 100% with reference to the Patriot Act. I believe that the 9-11 disturbance from Hell and the Middle East. Perhaps in some, if not many instances relevant to the Corona-virus events, there exists another false flag.
King Polis is going to find out the good people of Colorado will tolerate his boot on the necks of taxpaying citizens for only so long before they say “enough.” Not sure if he will be bright enough to see it through his quest for power and control. Happy to read a group of 200 worshiped together on Easter in Emmett, Idaho, despite the shelter at home order from their governor. And they did not wear masks or space themselves six feet apart either. Coloradans need to do the same.
We’ve had enough of his foolish Fascism!!! He’s a good likeness for the biblical application of the foolish women that tears down her home with her own hands!! He’s destroying his own state and knows what he’s doing!! It’s time to march on the capital!!! It’s time for polis to resign!!! In Shame!!! Businesses and churches should be filing class action lawsuits against the Governor and State!!!
Polis and his legislative democrats were destroying Colorado’s booming oil and gas economy BEFORE the virus hit. They are so proud of that. Severance taxes, jobs, family, communities. polos got a big jump on the virus. boulder having to let people go? Didn’t bother boulder when blue collar workers were losing their jobs and everything else. virus leveled the playing field . How do you like it boulder?
Why are people so afraid of this virus?
Is the Fairy King still being paid? Do he and all his bureaucrats in CDPHE still have jobs? Who does he think is going to pay taxes when people are out of work?
Expect to see another tax increase initiative on the ballot. Thank God for TABOR!