Bernie Sanders and his 30+ years of Russian collusion

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In case you missed it, Bernie Sanders has a long history with his love affair of communism and Soviet Russia. Long before the Russians could interfere in American Political Affairs via the internet (like they did under the noses of Obama and Hillary), they recruited Americans the old fashioned way – schmoozing and propaganda.

Remember in the 1980s when the Soviet Union was the Evil Empire (sorry millennials – this was a thing), and we as Americans were united against them and their maligned totalitarian philosophy at all costs? Well, perennial Presidential Candidate, Bernie Sanders, was a big fan of the Soviets. He even went there for a visit or two.

Here are some lowlights:

Sanders is seen living it up with Russians. There are, naturally, shrines to Lenin everywhere. In one scene, Sanders and his wife, as well as other couples, boogie to live Russian music. “I brought my special dancing shoes!” Sanders exclaims.

He even talks about inviting Soviet indoctrination in our schools (this is how we interpreted this):

Later, he tells a Russian man, “I’m not very happy about this, but there are not many people in the state of Vermont who speak Russian. In fact, one of the things that we want to do is to see if we can develop a Russian studies program in our high school.”

Needless to say, this old millionaire socialist is dangerous and always had been. If he were elected President, the Cold War Soviet vision of destroying America from within will be realized.

For all of you Ron Paulers who switched over to Bernie, take note!

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