430 Arapahoe Basin Employees Lose Jobs Due to Polis’ Executive Orders

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Keystone, CO – 430 Arapahoe Basin employees lost their jobs due to Polis’ executive orders to shut down private businesses.

These are college students with tuition and loans to pay. Many of them are low-income workers paying their rent and bills month-to-month.

They cannot afford to be out of a job due to a government mandate from Governor Jared Polis.

“The outbreak has brought the local, national and world economies to their knees,” the ski resort stated.

From: CBS Denver

Private businesses’ rights to operate are being violated. Citizen’s right to assemble in groups of more than ten are being violated.

Now, we are not saying everyone should parade through the streets or risk infecting their friends, families, and neighbors. What we are saying is Governor Jared Polis has no authority to restrict or enforce those restrictions.

Everyone Wants to Flatten the Curve

We want to flatten the curve, and so do private businesses.

It would be a PR nightmare for Arapahoe Basin to completely disregard the concept of social distancing, and as such, they would likely have taken measures to encourage it.

However, forcibly shutting down their resort has forced them to cut loose hundreds of employees. These are people who will likely struggle to find other work during the Coronavirus crisis – especially when considering how many other private businesses have shut down due to Polis’ overreaching mandates.

Arapahoe Basin is just one small ski resort in Colorado. That means thousands of Coloradans will be out of jobs with dwindling bank accounts just in the ski industry alone.

The economic and social impact of these shortsighted mandates from Jared Polis will be extensive.

What happens when thousands of people cannot make the payment to keep their health care?

Colorado is in trouble, and Governor Polis is at fault.

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3 thoughts on “430 Arapahoe Basin Employees Lose Jobs Due to Polis’ Executive Orders

  1. What law did Polis cite that gives him the power to order this shutdown? It seems to me that if Colorado businesses believe their governor is on shaky legal ground to make such an order they should group together to find an attorney who deals in such and file a class-action lawsuit. At the same time their attorney should petition the district court to issue a stay on the governor’s order while the suit is being pursued.

    1. Exactly I wish this would happen. I don’t if you’ve seen the Las Vegas Mayor that said he wouldn’t he wouldn’t enforce there governors order and a bar in Tenn. has defied orders and stayed open (I know if a bar or restaurant took a stand and stayed open I’d support them fully and be there everyday).

  2. So you all do not care about infecting others or being infected yourselves? This is an executive order it is not the law. You have your opinions and the right to do as you want if it is not against the law however you do have consequences. I feel if anybody is infected or have a slight idea that they are and they are out in public and they infect others they should be held accountable for that.

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