What is Jena Griswold Hiding?

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Secretary of State Jena Griswold is clearly hiding something…

Denver, CO – This Democrat may be hiding something. Planned Parenthood Puppet Jena Griswold, who somehow won an election, is also our Secretary of State. The Secretary is Colorado’s elections officer, but also handles business incorporations and the State’s lobbyist database.

The State’s lobbyist database is crucial because it allows citizens to access information on whose money is going to which lobbyist to spend on which issue. It is good public policy to see who may be supporting, manipulating, or opposing legislation at the State Capitol.

Last year, there was a bi-partisan bill that streamlined the reporting for lobbyists. This bill sought to increase transparency while making the data more accessible.

Of course, Jena Griswold dropped the ball, and now her office is trying to bar their friends in the lamestream media from accessing the raw data. From Colorado Politics:

[T]he agency has refused to provide a copy of the data behind the online system…The Colorado Secretary of State is required by law to provide public access to online lobbyist disclosures. Even though the online system allows the public to search for lobbyists and lobbying activity reports using the name of the client, the search results omit some filings. It’s impossible to find even the Secretary of State’s lobbyist or their lobbying activity reports using the agency’s system that way — without already knowing the name of the lobbyist…Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s staff acknowledged the problems. Because of them, the agency’s spokesman could neither identify who the agency’s own registered lobbyist was in 2017 and 2018, nor locate their lobbyist activity disclosures for those years, before the current administration, for four days.

Evan Wyloge, Colorado Politics, Feb 10, 2020

Griswold’s office is so bad; they can’t even find their registered lobbyist. This should surprise no one, because Griswold in a Democrat Wave year, beat a highly competent and award-winning incumbent Republican Secretary of State.

But it gets worse for Griswold. Her friends in the media hate it when you aren’t willing to hand over information that should be legally available. Especially when the excuse is, “The Chinese MAY eat my homework, even though no one else believes it will happen.” Again, from an annoyed Colorado Politics:

The Secretary of State’s office denied a Colorado Open Records Act request submitted by Colorado Politics for a complete copy of the electronic lobbying disclosure database, citing a Colorado law that references a federal law about cybersecurity threats…The agency also denied a Colorado Open Records Act request for a complete copy of the state’s campaign finance database, citing the same Colorado law…In response to follow-up requests, the Secretary of State told Colorado Politics that it possesses no documents that explain how providing a copy of a database makes the agency vulnerable to cyber security threats. Other state agencies provide complete copies of databases, which is required by Colorado law, without invoking a cyber security exemption. Other states provide complete copies of their campaign finance and lobbying databases as well.

Evan Wyloge, Colorado Politics, Feb 10, 2020

The Secretary of State plays a vital role in Colorado. It may be the least sexy of the four constitutional state-wide offices, but this elected official can do a lot of good or damage.

Did Planned Parenthood help her with the press again? Asking for a friend…

What do you think of Griswold and her department’s actions? Please post your comments below and on social media!

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5 thoughts on “What is Jena Griswold Hiding?

  1. Elections have consequences – experience & integrity matter. She has no business heading up the Secretary of State office!

  2. Until we address election fraud including non citizen voting, the Dems will continue to win in Colorado. Theres no excuse for Boulder, Aurora, Denver taking all night to count votes.. due to surge in voters turning up at polls closing time. unfortunately we had a Repub SOS for 4 years who was not proactive in countering this, probably because the Dems have set it up to where it is near impossible to counter it. But he could have told us about it instead of claiming Colo has the ‘safest’ voting in the US.

    1. You’ve been blindsided by a Trump Ian conspiracy theory so blatantly nonsensical That no one in the Republican Party has been able to find even a hint of evidence for it, and if the president has evidence that verifies his voter fraud claims, why in heaven hasn’t he made that evidence available to anyone?

  3. There were some typos in my reply to Charlene Hardcastle. Is there a way to edit my post? The following are the things I would like to edit:
    I wished to say Trumpian, not Trump Ian.
    I accidentally capitalized the word, that, in the middle of a sentence.

  4. Put your tin foil hats away, ladies…if you’d care to do some research, you’ll find that election fraud is a very rare occurrence.

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