No more than two weeks after Democrats defeated multiple amendments to increase school safety, we find dozens of schools being shut down under the (now neutralized) threat of an 18-year-old allegedly in Jefferson County to commit a school shooting.

Florida resident Sol Pais seemed to be infatuated with the Columbine shooting and decided to travel to Colorado, take Joe Biden’s advice to
Fortunately, tragedy has been avoided as Pais was found dead earlier today near the base of Mt. Evans.
Clearly, our schools aren’t safe if they feel they need to shut them down and submit to terroristic threats. They don’t feel like they are capable of deterring heinous acts like school shootings.
Yet, just a couple weeks ago while taking up the budget, Democrats repeatedly blocked amendments that would reallocate funds for school safety.
One amendment would have taken away funds for Hollywood film subsidies, and reallocate it to school safety. This amendment would have paid for things like tempered glass, security cameras, communication systems for rapid response, etc.

But Democrats repeatedly shut these amendments down.
Why? Because Democrats like Jovan Melton of Arapahoe apparently take issue with the use of school resource officers (SRO).
Melton believes that SROs do not provide any school safety and that increased SROs will only promote a system that introduces law enforcement at an early age and will only perpetuate the “school-to-prison pipeline system.”
On his floor speeches, Melton talked about “experiences” and that more SROs is not the right way to do this. He claimed
He then belittled law enforcement, saying police have a different reputation from where he’s from.
Although you may expect hatred towards police from the guy that was twice charged with assault and had a restraining order against him.
With the national media glorifying heinous acts like school shootings, it’s clear why we should focus on increasing school security. Instead, this week highlighted the message that kids are not safe in school.
For that Jovan Melton, and his fellow Democrats who joined him in killing the school safety
The government is not there to save life but to take it: abortion.
We know she is just a
Psyop false flag from over on 8 Chan or the Q psyop. Democrats are now openly advertising 8 Chan so you will go there and play alphabet agency games at your own demise. They have catsgoties for everybody so your participation will be easily selective. Evergreen is totally filled with agencies not by chance she was supposedly found up the hill from there.
Prior to the gun law changes in 2013, this gun sale would have been prohibited because dealers were not allowed (under state law) to sell long guns if the buyer was not a resident of Colorado or an adjacent state. This was repealed as part of the package that implemented background checks for private sales and banned magazines that hold more than 15 rounds. A democratic driven change.