Two Buttes, CO – Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough time in the day to cover all of the topics we want to cover. Some really relevant content slips through the cracks. We hate that you, our readers, are cheated out of this information. These are important issues affecting Colorado and our communities.
So, we will start doing an occasional “Citizen’s Brief” to catch you up on the issues we missed. This is our version of a “Quick Hits” section, without that over-used and boring.
So here we go! Here are some articles and issues of interest:
Who Are The Republicans That Love The Democrats at The Capitol – These are our legislators that like to run bi-partisan bills. Liberals in the Republican Party call this “statesmanship.” Looking at some of these bills, we call it selling out freedom and taxpayers. If you’re curious, take a peek…
Republicans Make Education The Centerpiece of Their Agenda – We will probably come back to this one with an in-depth article. There are some good things, some bad things, and some meh things. But what is important here is Republicans are being bold and pro-active for a change at the Capitol. The bonus is that Democrats won’t monopolize the conversation on education anymore…maybe…
Tri-State Will Close Coal-fired Power Plants – The Grand Junction Sentinel quotes someone as saying this is like losing 98,000 jobs in Denver. 20 years ago, nearly 90% of Colorado’s energy was produced with cheap, abundant, clean-burning coal. Now, our REA and XCEL bills are through the roof, but the global-warming alarmists are happy.
Another Tax May Be On The Ballot – This time, it will be a “Sin Tax” going after vaping and tobacco products. In fact, they’re looking to more than triple the existing tax. It’s for the children, of course. Why give the government more money even if you don’t use tobacco and vaping products?
Denver Teachers Got A Huge Raise, And Now They’re Over Budget – Duh! Of course, it was the union that did this. New teachers are shunned, while returning teachers, good ones and bad ones, reap the benefits. Average salary before benefits like health insurance and a giant PERA (Public Pension), is $66,238. If that is pro-rated by month and extended for the full year vs. the nine months they work, that would be about $88,317 per year plus benefits. The compensation package, on average, is easily over six figures per year per teacher. They are so underpaid…[sarcasm]. Follow-up: Graduate studies for that huge increase in salary is a waste of time. Taxpayers are being fleeced, as with most of the government-run education.
Proposition 112 Redo – Liberal anti-oil and gas group wants to put the 2,500-foot setback requirements for drilling on the ballot. That means no drilling within 2,500 feet of just about any structure. This will effectively kill what’s left of the oil and gas industry. At least what’s left after the Democrats destroyed the industry in the 2019 legislative session. Prop 122 went down by a large margin in 2018.
Denver Closes Lincoln Park – This is the park by the Capitol. There is a large homeless encampment there. Now, not surprisingly, the park is infested with rats. Insert your favorite politician/rat joke in the comments below!
Five Democrats Up For Senator Lois Court’s Seat – Lois Court resigned for health reasons. A vacancy committee met to fill the seat and appointed lefty state Representative Chris Hanson. Why is this news? Just read these people’s platforms, and cringe. There aren’t moderate politicians in the Democrat party anymore.
Okay, that’s enough for now. We may come back and write some articles on a few of these items. Please post in the comments below and on social media which topics you would like us to revisit.
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Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press. We’re always looking for good stories to write. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@USACitizenPress)!