The Colorado Swamp
In this multi-part story, we are compiling many tips that have been sent to us over the last couple of months. In the age of fake news and even faker hate crime reporting, we are naturally skeptical of any narrative people send to us here at Colorado Citizens Press. However, as our research department dug through the hundreds of emails pointing the finger at a group of politicians trying desperately to line their pockets – what looked at first like an outlandish conspiracy developed into a clearly documented case of political corruption.
A case where former members of House Republican leadership not only tipped the scales to empower themselves but actually sabotaged the Republican Party in order to stay in power.
We had not planned on releasing this story so soon, but in light of recent news coming from Colorado Public Radio we wanted to make sure that we were the first to break this important story.
Part One – Sabotage
In April 2017, Colorado Pioneer Action, a 501(c)4 non-profit organization was ordered to pay $17,735 for improperly operating a non-profit as a political committee. It was a single-day story about how the group, under the helm of former Congressman Bob Beauprez, narrowly violated Colorado’s political disclosure laws. This was one of a dozen such victories accomplished by Matt Arnold against social welfare non-profits on both sides of the aisle. By all accounts, this was a normal court case regarding Colorado’s complex and contradictory campaign finance laws.
In the end, the story could adequately be summed up in this single line from The Denver Post’s Megan Schrader,

The question is, what exactly makes a candidate undesirable?
The answer is actually quite simple, it was the candidates who were opposed by Colorado Right Now, who had Justin Pendergast along with his Colorado Pioneer Action email as the registered agent. These candidates; Lori Saine, Janak Joshi, and Kimmi Lewis were conservatives in safe seats.
By Beauprez’s own admission, these candidates were targeted by then-House Leadership members Polly Lawrence and Lois Landgraf. Audio from the Pioneer Action court hearing confirms this, in which Bob Beauprez was directed to “meet with” and support Colleen Whitlow, Lori Saine’s primary opponent.
Why would the Republican House Caucus waste money on primary fights in safe Republican seats? It’s an interesting question.
While none of the elected officials we reached out to agree to go on record, it appears that this was all an attempt to stop Patrick Neville from becoming House Republican Leader. In fact, it was reported that Landgraf and Lawrence even went as far as to purposely lose seats in an attempt to stop Patrick Neville. While we at Colorado Citizens Press cannot confirm that’s the case, the example of JoAnn Windholz that was given to us lends credence to that claim. Of the numerous close races, the Colorado Leadership Fund IEC spent money on, very little went to JoAnn Windholz, despite the fact that other elected Republicans in tight races had tens of thousands of dollars spent in their races.
Numerous sources inside the Capitol confirmed to us that Windholz was considered a Neville supporter for leadership, and it was a bygone conclusion by both members and staff that she was “cut off” and her seat handed to the Democrats as a result of this support.
It’s hard to believe that an elected official would sabotage their own party in order to further themselves. But as we were soon to find out, it’s not the only thing unbelievable in Colorado Politics.
In Part 2 which will be released later, we’ll discuss more people involved and how far political hacks, including former members of Leadership, will go to line their pockets, including working with Democrat groups and lobbyists.
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WOW I would love to be part of this. I was responcible for cleaning the swamp in the Teller County Sheriffs office. New DA NEW TRAITNING NEW BILL. I can’t tell you how great that felt. Right now we are dealing with serious issues in the El Paso County Republican Party. Tamera turns out to be a real good liar. Cherish her asistent cost the Party nearly 20 thousand from the Unaffiliated. Steven taking money from republicans for apparent for his own perpous . The Chair the asistant and the fund raiser and events coordinator. Isen’t that nice. I told everyone about the 2face Polly Lawrence. I warned everyone about the 2 face weasel George Brauchler.
YEAH I would love to help in any way you need me
loretta Perry , explain your unfavorable comment about George Brauchler. I can’t agree.
Patricia is a known nut job. Just ignore her.
Thank you for this information. Looking forward to more.
Naming the players and their roles is a huge help to voters… Thanks!
These politicians are nothing but game players, they really treat, and think this is nothing but a game. How it effects the citizens rights, or lives is totally immaterial to them.
It takes a total of two seconds to search TRACER and see that this is false. Colorado Leadership Fund spent over $17k supporting Windholz in 2016.
Sounds like someone is trying to distract from the fact that the Neville’s raided the caucus funds and paid themselves over $800k while losing four SAFE Republican state house seats in 2018.
When powerful people do things in secret and without transparency . . . it is a sign of mistrust, addiction to power and usually corruption. What did Jeff Hays do to stop this #nevertrump type of Elites? Ryan Call? Scott Gessler? The grassroots we’re betray by the leadership? Just asking. Bet this isn’t the first time.
I broke this story in a Townhall column in the summer of 2016 primary season, nearly three years ago.
Both Ways Bob was secretly funneling huge amounts of money from his longtime “nonprofit” Pioneer Action to a campaign committee called Colorado Right Now that he had illegally set up through his faithful lieutenant Justin Pendergast. Why? To mount primary challenges to incumbent Republicans who BWB and his cabal considered “too conservative” and kick them out of office. He was successful in several races. That’s the real story. BWB is still protecting his big donors to the shadow group CRN — NONE of that money was from the Republican Party. Sheesh do some research. Interview Matt – he may have discovered who BWB’s big donors were. Way to go Matt, in prosecuting turncoat BWB.
First I would like to say. Republicans need to stick together and oust all these RINO’s. Can there be such a thing as too Concervative? George Brauchler is a great guy, I enjoyed meeting him and discussing how we need to help felons who are actually working hard and turning their lives around. Anybody who calls themselves a Republican and goes against the will of the people who elected them should be immediately subject to recall…
Let’s RECALL both sides of the line as needed.
RECALLS will be very healthy for Colorado.
I think it’s very sad that people who choose to slander others find a way to get by with their efforts to subvert the truth and there is nothing the recipient of these lies can do. I actually feel sorry for anyone who believes the garbage printed here. Remember, 5 seats were lost under Neville’s leadership, not under the DelGrosso/Lawrence leadership. Why that happened is anyone’s guess. I could go on but I won’t bother because responding to this is a waste of time. Feel free to write back with more criticism and lies, I will not answer again.
Is there something specific that you believe to be incorrect? If there is something you believe to be factually incorrect, please contact our tip line so we can make any necessary corrections. Thank you 🙂