With the growing frustration from northern Coloradans over the spreading of liberal cancer through the state, secession looks more appealing and is even a serious remedy to some.
One proponent of secession is Sen. Vicki Marble, R-Fort Collins, who believes the Denver and Boulder crowds have become out of touch with traditional Colorado values.
Marble’s revamped calls come on the heels of Democrats current campaign to force new oil and gas regulations down Colorado’s throat – a measure that would have drastic consequences on the economy.
After Marble’s comments, 9 News Kyle Clark reached out wanting to learn more. Understandably, Marble turned down the request from Clark because, what the majority of Republicans believe, his leftist propaganda and hatred for Republicans.
After getting butt-hurt over Marble’s refusal to meet his demands, Kyle Clark threatened to, “ambush” Marble.
Marble responded by telling Clark that she isn’t afraid of him and that she’s ready to come back at him.
Clark then accused Marble of threatening him with violence and went as far as to talk to his attorneys.
Here’s a quick recap of the exchange between Marble and Clark…

Since the exchange, televised-media has come to Clark’s aid and comfort, giving him the safe space he needs while attacking Vicki Marble
Radio hasn’t been as friendly to Clark. On Jimmy Lakey’s show, she explained the exchange, and proceeded to tell her what we all think, “Kyle Clark is a bully in a Pee Wee Herman outfit.”

Kyle Clark is a creepy little leftist weasel.
Oh goody, Colorado has it’s own version of whining Jim Acosta. Get hostile then turn it around and make the person he attacked look like the attacker. Typical reporter move and not real journalism.
Marble is right of course ! Even local news is left leaning ! The left is trying to turn Colorado into another California and that is bad !
I can’t watch Kyle Clark. I believe he is such an egomaniac, he can’t handle strong thinking women. I miss Adele Arakawa.
we quit watching Clark because of his opinionated reporting rather than telling what happened he always has a crap opinion he is not Colorado and should be let go!!!!!
Get back to real truthful News and leave the liberal opinions home
About time people start calling the medua on their tactics! Way to go Vicki! Sorry I missed this show it would have been worth inhaling some coffee and spitting it out in laughter!
Kyle makes me sick to my stomach. He screams how impartial he is, then editorializes constantly on the side of the left. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a Democrat.
Clark has caused the decline of 9 News, just look at those great reporter’s that have left that Channel. Will not watch anythi g he isin.
Quit watching 9news years ago because of Kyle Clark’s bias, report the news Kyle not your opinion.
My opinion, Kyle Clark is usually pretty damn awesome. I love his approach – I think he’s pretty real. And no, I’m not a left leaning anything. However, I will admit his ambush comment was dumb.
OAN is the only news I watch….at least most of it is truth!
Where are the Carl Akers and Ed Sardella’s of the world? Just report the news and don’t opinionate it. Is that a word????
Kyle Clark is just one reason that I’ve ceased to watch 9News or any NBC programming. For years they represented the only fair and unbiased reporting in Denver metro proper. Now the entire group are just a heap of left leaning, push their agenda reporters. Won’t go back.
When only one side of a story is presented, the result is #FakeNews. Sad to see Denver’s KUSA Channel 9 go down the “tubes.”
I stopped watching 9 News because of Kyle Clark and the stations super (obvious) Liberal agenda. He talks a big game about “listening to the other side”, but what he means is that Republicans should listen to Democrats and agree with them. And when they don’t, he turns a little nasty about it.
“I demand an interview about this?” Who is he to “demand” anything? Ask for, request, send a note to try to set something up, maybe; but demand? HA! I haven’t watched Mr Clark since he got an anchor position and got all puffed up and smug and stopped reporting and started opinionating.