Washington, DC – The Commie Red Coats are coming, the Commie Red Coats are coming! They’ll be knocking on your door. They’ll be well-financed, and WILL make an impact on the 2020 election and beyond.
If you read our articles, you know that Republicans and conservatives are grossly outspent by the left. No, the Koch Brothers don’t balance this out as the left claims. Now, another lefty group is going to spend a bunch more money in Colorado. Specifically, the Progressive Turnout Project is going to spend $2 million in Colorado alone.
What is interesting is how this money is being spent. This is going to be a major get out the vote (GOTV) data collecting project. This is scary, because the left’s data already far surpasses the data on the right, and not just here in Colorado. Now, with this infusion of cash and manpower, the left will have the ability to identify every persuadable voter by the time November 2020 rolls around.
We can argue over how much a superior ground game can impact an election. Here at the Citizen Press offices, we argue over whether it’s between half a percent to seven percent. However, if you look at the races, some Republicans lost or won by half a percent in 2018, even half of a percent matters.
Now, what we don’t argue about is the true value of having good comprehensive voter data. This is pure gold, and we all agree based on the current state of things the left has a built-in five percent advantage in Colorado. We believe this augmented canvassing effort by the Progressive Turnout Project could add a few percentage points to that total. So Republicans could already start seven points in the hole in all competitive seats – that’s a lot of ground to make up.
So, why is good data important? If you’re a Republican volunteer reading this, have you ever noticed a difference between the lefties walking precincts vs. you armed with the list you got from your local county party apparatus? If you haven’t (we have), it seems that the Democrats hit two houses on every block while we hit 10. Half of those houses we hit aren’t persuadable voters. Hence, a complete waste of time!
Good data isn’t just about canvassing. Good data can be used for targeted ads via cable or satellite. Good data, like collected emails, make it really inexpensive to target these voters. Good data can even save campaigns tens of thousands of dollars by not sending mail to people that can’t be persuaded.
In addition, good data allows micro-targeting based on the voter profile. Micro-targeting means sending them something about what they care about. Think of an unaffiliated voter who is 50-50 on voting for President Trump. This voter hates illegal immigration, and that’s their number one issue. Two weeks before the election, the Democrats pass something (that goes “unnoticed” by the Main Stream Media) in Congress that essentially defunds the wall. Well, it would be easy to inform that voter of this betrayal and flip his or her vote to the President.
A state representative candidate in a competitive district could do the same. “My opponent and his liberal friends in Washington voted to defund the wall.” Since a lot of these down-ballot races are severely underfunded on the right, these candidates could do a lot more with less with better data.
The Democrats are committed to winning in Colorado. Republicans…We’re not always convinced they want to win. We’re still waiting after two decades for Republicans to get their act together. We hope this year proves us wrong.
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