San Francisco, CA is the second most liberal city in the nation, and that says a lot. What city is the MOST liberal city in America? Well, that is our own Boulder, CO. You know, THAT Boulder where all the crazy far-left Democrat Leadership in Colorado lives. We opined here last week that Boulder has taken over Colorado.
Now that we’ve got your attention, we believe what San Francisco did was a GOOD thing. Note: the link is to the left-leaning New York Times, and it may be behind a paywall. Odd that the NYT uses capitalism (a paywall here) to promote socialism? It’s also too funny that San Fran gets something right when Colorado has been doing too many things wrong (click here and here if you want some background).

If you’re ok with giving up your privacy and your liberty then you can stop reading here. You should ask why law enforcement needs to ID you electronically. Are we innocent before proven guilty, or not? Don’t we have the freedom to travel without the government knowing where we are and when?
Government (Yes law enforcement IS government) has no right to spy on us. This is the dystopian society George Orwell predicted in his book Nineteen Eighty-four, way back in 1949 when he wrote the novel. Why has the government taken the position that it needs to spy into our everyday lives – one simple word sums it up: CONTROL. When the government controls us, what do we give up: FREEDOM and LIBERTY. If you don’t like the concepts of freedom and liberty, we still thank you for reading our publication.

The “Cliff Notes” from the article in case you don’t want to read it is:
The action, which came in an 8-to-1 vote by the Board of Supervisors, makes San Francisco the first major American city to block a tool that many police forces are turning to…The ban prohibits city agencies from using facial recognition technology, or information gleaned from external systems that use the technology.
-New York Times, 5-14-2019
Even the ACLU gets it right here, so when a blind squirrel finds a nut, we’ll give him credit:
Matt Cagle, a lawyer with the A.C.L.U. of Northern California, on Tuesday, summed up the broad concerns of facial recognition: The technology, he said, “provides government with unprecedented power to track people going about their daily lives.
-New York Times, 5-14-2019
We’ve seen failed bills in the State Legislature here addressing Red Light Cameras and Photo Radar. Facial Recognition Software would definitely also fall under the category of “Stuff The Government Does That Should Be A No-No”.
In a one-time only statement, we hope Colorado follows San Francisco’s lead (feels REAL awkward typing this) and bans Facial Recognition Software, Red Light Cameras, and of course Photo Radar.
Stay tuned for more, in the mean time beware of Big Brother!
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