Centennial, CO – The consequences for not following the “Stay at Home” order for Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, and Jefferson counties is a Class 1 misdemeanor. It carries a penalty of up to a $5,000 fine and 18 months in jail.
When you would serve this time is unclear, as the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office announced it is releasing inmates due to the Coronavirus. Perhaps they are just making room for people who do not respect their “authority.” (This is a joke, but jokes are usually funny because they carry a grain of truth).
We want to give kudos to the Colorado Sun for helping to expose these draconian executive orders. Their coverage of the Coronavirus has been excellent, informative, and generally less biased than their competitors.
COVID-19 is no joke. It is a serious virus, and the population does not yet have a general immunity built up. People need to be conscious of how their actions may affect others.
However, we do not see how threatening to jail citizens and fine out-of-work individuals will help. More likely, it will sow dissent amongst the people of Colorado.
These are some of the strictest and most oppressive regulations in the country right now.
Worst of all, they were created by a board of unelected bureaucrats at the Tri-county Health Department. They do not even represent Jefferson or Boulder counties!
Mandates like this have the unfortunate effect of giving Governor Jared Polis cover. Colorado is under his watch right now, and everything that happens ultimately falls on his shoulders.
Stay tuned for more coverage of these oppressive attacks on individual liberty.
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That’s totally unconstitutional, I would fight that all the way to the end
Exactly we can’t stand for this!
Who gave them authority to issue these type of fines? Certainly not us, and certainly not the constitution!
The ONLY legal way to force citizens to “stay at home” is to issue martial law — and that requires a very specific constitutional process. Tri-County health does NOT have the authority to unilaterally issue marshal law!
I get the whole virus thing. But citizens need to rise up against a greater threat that is showing it’s ugly face here. The threat of overturning our constitutional rights. Rights that people have blead and died for. Rights that we have enjoyed and learned to take for granted.
But when monsters think they can trample those rights, it is time for citizens to once again say “No! You will not take away my freedom”.
All of these politicians better be living without food and any income for a month before they start trying to arrest the citizens that voted them into office for trying to make a living. WAKE UP PEOPLE
Oh hell no ! Give up your own freedom if you want to ! No one is violating my rights
It doesn’t say anything about a $5,000 fine and up to 18 months in jail in the document. Can you please provide a source?
Ive read that stay at home orders allow for grocery and essential outings only…if that’s so am I to believe that I’ll be punished with outlandish fines and jail time that class 6,5, and 4 offenders are given!?!? It has to be a gimmick….a threat…right??
CRS Title 25 Health and Safety does not mention any fine or jail time.
(c) To establish, maintain, and enforce isolation and quarantine, and, in pursuance
thereof and for this purpose only, to exercise such physical control over property and the persons
of the people within this state as the department may find necessary for the protection of the
public health;
(d) To abate nuisances when necessary for the purpose of eliminating sources of
epidemic and communicable diseases affecting the public health.
Please report correctly! Sensationalism doesn’t look good on you.
“In Colorado, a misdemeanor is a crime punishable by:
misdemeanor probation,
UP TO 18 months in jail, AND/OR
a fine of UP TO $5,000.” – Colorado Legal Defense Group.
How are we gonna prove to then we are out to buy groceries, or pick up our prescriptions. This is gonna end in a lot of People of color Harassed, and arrested for nothing.
Carry a copy of the constitution in your car and show it when asked for your “papers”?
And yet if I understand it right, the Colorado DOW has practically invited spring turkey hunters to enjoy themselves hunting in Colorado—possibly exposing rural health care systems to COVID-19 (remember, one can be infectious days before symptoms appear) and burdening them with cases they are likely not equipped to handle.
If we are all ordered to stay at home, your home is not out hunting turkeys in another location.
I am not saying I support enforcing violations, but I feel the State of Colorado (through the Division of Wildlife) can’t have its cake and eat it too.
How does hunting turkey make anyone more endangered?
Hunters eat thier game, so arnt they just out shopping?
“Health officials” DO NOT GET to make law or jail people and the sheriffs need to tell them to back off! What a bunch of @#$_& idiots! They’re not even smart enough to be stupid 🤣
Sensationalism won’t score you any points, Citizen Press. Health officials can’t issue fines or jail time and I know you know better.
All they’re doing is looking for another excuse to fine people and get paid to have inmates in their jail. Go do something like catch a real criminal
you can’t build up a ” general immunity ” with everybody under quarantine