Denver, CO – An August survey commissioned by the Colorado Health Foundation found 15 to 20 percent of Coloradans struggled to pay for necessities.
The survey found that one in five Coloradans is worried about paying rent and feeding their families over the next year. Nearly two in five Coloradans are worried about affording health insurance. These numbers jump over 50 percent for those with low-income.
Of the 2,275 Coloradans surveyed, one in two reportedly “experienced mental health strain because of the coronavirus.” The margin of error is 2.8 percent.
The COVID-19 shutdown ordered by Governor Jared Polis is, without a doubt, a significant contributor to these statistics.
Polis shut down most of Colorado’s economy at the beginning of the COVIID-19 pandemic.
According to the survey, 13 percent of Coloradans have been laid off, and 31 percent have had hours or wages reduced. Polis’ strict orders put a heavy strain on the economy. His hyperbolic rhetoric about the dangers of COVID-19 certainly did not help anyone’s mental health.
This survey shows Colorado is under the control of a power-hungry governor who is failing as a leader and does not care about the overall wellbeing of the people he treats as his subjects.
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nero, aka polis dose not care, never cared, it is all about control, and as much control he/it can get for him and his aberrations. aka as the liberal/socialist base. Why would any one who cares about this state, ruin the economy, force people to be unemployed, there is no sanity to what he/it and it’s liberal/socialist have done , now they are trying to blame Trump, when at the on set of all of the miss information Trump let the states do what those in charge thought they should do, even when all of the false information started to rise to the surface, the liberal/socialist with their mouth piece, aka as the media doubled down on controlling sheepeople. The Surgeon General of The united States of American, laid out in 3 interviews 17 weeks ago what we must be doing, and none of the liberal/socialist governments, with genuflecting so called health dept ever refer to the Surgeon General, if they did we would have been conducting business, people being employed 14 weeks ago. But the media and all of the liberal/socialist “govenors” made this a political game they want to play with out any regard for the people in their states. The states that did not capitulate to this chineese biological warfare virus have been dong very well. The media has been burying this information, they do not want the sheepeople to know, the media, and the liberal/socialist keep spewing the chicken little scenario the sky is falling. Now after months of sheepeople doing the polis, many people unemployed, lives ruined , the economy tanked, the bs has surfaced we have been lied to, taken advantaged of, and those responsible are pointing fingers at other, when they created this over blown bad hoax. So what will sheepeople do, some will, demand accountability, from those responsible, but most will continue to do the polis. Which one are you?
Well said. I will be moving to one of those states that didn’t shutdown in a month (which can’t come fast enough)
Yep it’s all garbage and lies. I like “doing the polis” will be using that phrase – will give you credit! lol
If we can’t recall him – we have started a resign letter to be sent to him.
People need to realize what pole pusher says is not a law. As long as they bow down and kiss his front end (butt is always busy, so they have to us the other side), he will keep pushing. He is not our parent (rectums do not have ova) and he is not a dictator. He works for we the employers and needs to remember this fact.
Don’t come up with BS on jobs. We all know who cut out all energy production in Colorado–POLE PUSHER and his magic pen. Colorado has a lot of useless leeches living off our tax dollars. Get ready to move–we will vote this vermin out and your free living and drugs will be passed out in the Demoncrat states, not Colorado. Our jobs will come back and our economy will be better than ever. We will have a lot of catching up to do to get rid of the stench left behind by the vermin, but we are a strong population and will prevail!!!